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                                    EK BHAARAT, SHRESHTH BHAARAT

      Mata  Jai  Kaur  Public  School  celebrated  the  74    greater goal to serve the community. A heart-warming Yoga
      Independence  Day  on  14 August  virtually  yet       Performance  ‘Bhaarat  Ki  Beti’  depicted  how progress

      fervently.  The  occasion  was  presided  over  by  Chief   and upliftment of women makes a nation truly empowered. A
      Guest  Ms  Taapsee  Pannu-  renowned  actor  and       vibrant  dance  performance  ‘Suno  Gaur  se  Duniya  Waloon’
      alumna,  Guest  of  Honour  Justice  G.S.  Sistani,    celebrated  the  spirit  of  self-reliance  and  oneness.  The
      School  Chairman  S.  Surjit  Singh  and  Vice         former  student  council  shared  their  experiences  of
      Chairperson  Ms  Rasna  Singh,  among  other  notable   working  for  the  school  as  one  big  team  and  evolving  as
      dignitaries.                                           individuals through their journey.
      The  online  event  ‘Ek  Bhaarat,  Shreshth  Bhaarat’   The  Investiture  ceremony  was  conducted  to  usher-in  the
      commenced  with  ‘Rangakriti’-  an  Art  Exhibition  that   newly  appointed  Student  Council.  Vishakha  Singla  and
      showcased sterling artwork by students, followed by  a   Abhishek  Sharma  sworn  in  as  the  Head  Girl  and  Head Boy
      mellifluous   ‘Shabad’   in   obeisance   to   the     respectively  as  Ms  Mehta  administered  the  oath  of
      omnipresent.   The    traditional   lamp   lighting    allegiance. Ms Taapsee Pannu in her address, reminisced her
      ceremony  was  followed by  a  welcome  address  by the   days spent in school and motivated students to stay connected
      school  principal,  Ms  Rashmi  Mehta.  Ms  Mehta  paid   to their roots. Her stirring words were, “True freedom comes
      tribute  to  the  martyrs  who  laid  their  lives  to  free   from breaking free from stereotypes and inspiring  others  to
      India.   She     emphasized,     “Freedom     and      do  the  same.”  The  event  culminated with a vote of thanks
      Independence  bring  a  chance  to  live  a  life  with  a   delivered  by  Ms  Anuradha  Babbar,  the  Head  Mistress  and
      sense of purpose, dignity and integrity.”              singing of the national anthem.

      Justice G.S. Sistani advised the students to never
      get complacent with titles and achievements and
      identify a
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