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rupiah) dan paling banyak Rp 600.000.000,00 (enam ratus juta rupiah).
                                 PT. Mandiri Maritime Sejahtera is suspected of violating Article 4 of
                                 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 21 of 2007 concerning the
                                 Eradication  of  the  Crime  of  Human  Trafficking,  which  states
                                 "Everyone who takes an Indonesian citizen outside the territory of the
                                 Republic of Indonesia with the intention of exploiting him outside the
                                 territory  of  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  shall  be  punished."  with  a
                                 minimum  imprisonment  of  3  (three)  years  and  a  maximum  of  15
                                 (fifteen) years and a fine of at least IDR 120,000,000.00 (one hundred
                                 and twenty million rupiah) and a maximum of IDR 600,000,000.00 (six
                                 hundred million rupiah).

                             6.  PT.  Mitra  Mandiri  Sejahtera  diduga  melanggar  Pasal  133  Peraturan
                                Menteri Perhubungan Nomor 59 Tahun 2021, ayat (3) yang berbunyi
                                “Selain pengenaan sanksi sebagaimana dimaksud ayat (2), perusahaan
                                keagenan  awak  kapal,  perizinan  perusahaan  dapat  dicabut  secara
                                langsung  dalam  hal  perusahaan  yang  bersangkutan,  huruf  a.  tidak
                                memberitahukan PKL dan tidak melakukan penyijilan pada buku pelaut
                                yang ditempatkannya kepada Syahbandar;
                                 PT. Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera is suspected of violating Article 133 of
                                 the  Minister  of  Transportation  Regulation  Number  59  of  2021,
                                 paragraph (3) which reads "In addition to the imposition of sanctions
                                 as  stated  inintended  paragraph  (2),  ship  crew  agency  company,
                                 licensingcompany can be revoked directly in the case of the company
                                 concerned, letter a. does not notify the PKL and does not carry out
                                 certification in the seafarer's book which he places with the Harbor

                             7.  PT. Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera diduga melanggar Pasal 15 huruf g dan Pasal
                                21 ayat (2) Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan RI Nomor 84 Tahun 2013
                                Tentang Perekrutan dan Penempatan Awak Kapal.
                                 PT. Mitra Mandiri Sejahtera is suspected of violating Article 15 letter
                                 g and Article 21 paragraph (2) of the Republic of Indonesia Minister
                                 of  Transportation  Regulation  Number  84  of  2013  concerning
                                 Recruitment and Placement of Ship Crew.

        5. Tuntutan            1. PT. Mandiri Maritime Sejahtera : mengembalikan dokumen pribadi
                                 milik Samsu Alang Yaitu;
                                  ●  Kartu Keluarga
                                  ●  Akte Kelahiran
                                  ●  Ijazah SPMN
                                  ●  BST
                                  ●  SKCK
                                  ●  KTP
                                 PT.  Mandiri  Maritime  Prosperous  :  return  personal  documents
                                 belonging to Samsu Alang, namely;
                                   ●  Family card
                                   ●  Birth certificate
                                   ●  SPMN degree
                                   ●  BST
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