P. 12

SAAT BIOLOGY                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR                               MRPROF.NET
               Rhizoids penetrate food, absorb nutrients and anchor the

               mycelia of zygomycetes.

               Lichens are especially sensitive to airborne pollutants and

               will often die when air pollution levels rise in an area. The

               fungus provides a dense web of hyphae in which algae or

               cyanobacteria  can  grow.  The  fungal  tissues  account  for

               most of the mass of lichen.

               Mycelia  are  dense  masses  of  hyphae.  Dense  masses  of

               hyphae comprise the main body of a lichen.

               Mycorrhizae  are  a  mutualistic  relationship  involving  a

               fungus and a plant. This type of relationship is essential for

               the growth of orchids.

               The fairy rings engage in a circular cycle of feeding on dead

               plant material, growing, using up available nutrients, killing

               both the grass and the mushrooms, leaving this material to

               be available once again to the growth of the grass.

               MRPROF.NET                         MR.MOHAMED ELGAYAR           MRPROF.NET@GMAIL.COM                  11
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