P. 78

ANNEX I: Field Office Administration
                    ANNEX I: Field Office Administration
                    Office and Project residence lease policy

                    Identification of Project Offices
                    When a project requires the establishment of a new field office, the in-country PM or their in-country
                    designee (whether CONUS or OCONUS) will research offices for rent and present three options with
                    market research information to the CEO for a final decision. The market research required for the
                    business case includes:

                          Data on average price ranges for office space in the area (include data sources)
                          The maximum capacity of the office spaces in comparison with the capacity needs of the
                          Pictures of the three options and consumer reviews
                          Any costs included or excluded in the monthly rent (e.g. amenities included, utilities
                           excluded, renter’s insurance, etc.)
                          Who is financially responsible for repairs and maintenance of the office space?
                          What are the transportation options for employees and other known frequent visitors?
                          What are the lease, renewal, and sublease terms?
                          Background information on the landlord and management company
                    Establishment of Office and Project Residence Leases
                    When office space has been identified, the draft lease will be reviewed by Vysnova’s Counsel, the PM,
                    and COO before execution by the COO. Counsel may also request that the local lawyer review the
                    document(s). If the lease is in a language other than English, the lease will be sent to a pre-approved
                    translator before review. Seek guidance on translators from the COO. All draft and final leases, as
                    appropriate,  will  be  prepared  in  parallel,  newspaper  column  format  presenting  both  the  official
                    language of the host country and the English translation.
                    Once  the  final  documents  have  received  approval  from  Vysnova  Counsel,  the  COO,  and  the  PM,
                    Vysnova issues a power of attorney to either the Start-Up team lead and / or the PM to authorize the
                    signing of an office lease on the company’s behalf.  The final copy of the signed lease(s) will be sent to
                    the PM and Contracts Administrator (CA).
                    On residential properties, expatriate staff enter into lease agreements with landlords on their own;
                    Vysnova is not a signatory on residential leases.  The PM, Counsel, and COO are available to review
                    the residential lease upon request.

                    Office and Project Residence Lease Renewals
                    The PM is required to provide the Counsel, and COO with a draft of the proposed renewed/new office
                    lease and/or project residence lease (translated in parallel, if applicable) 60 days prior to the expiration
                    of the current lease(s).  Once approved by the COO and Vysnova Counsel, the PM will be issued the
                    power of attorney to signed lease(s) and provide a copy to the CA by email
                    Office and Project Residence Lease Termination
                    Copies of termination documents will be sent to the PM who will, in turn, provide copies to Counsel
                    and the CA at

                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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