P. 83
ANNEX I: Field Office Administration
Inventory Disposition Options/Priorities
It is the responsibility of the PM and F&A Officer to prepare a final inventory of all items assigned to
the primary project field office as well as any other project field offices. The PM and the F&A Officer
will submit a proposed inventory disposition plan to the client for finalization. Often, final disposition
options include:
Transfer to host country government entity or entities
Transfer to the local client agency
Transfer to project/program beneficiaries and/or partners
Once the client has finalized and approved the disposition plan, the PM will notify intended recipients
in writing of the items they will receive. Vysnova will prepare transfer documents in accordance with
agency-specific requirements. The PM will develop a final recipient list and calendar noting the
transfer date on which items will be available for pick-up and/or delivery. A copy of the final list and
plan will be sent to the client. Recipients will sign and date the transfer documents and provide
confirmation of receipt. upon receipt/collection of their items. The recipient will keep a copy and the
original will be filed in the project/program beneficiaries’ files or in a general project close-out
inventory disposition file, as appropriate.
Vehicles and Other Rolling Stock
Vehicles and other rolling stock (such as tractors and accessories) while included in the general
inventory noted above, are a special and distinct category. During close-out, the PM and F&A Officer
will establish a vehicle checklist. This checklist will include information from the non-expendable
goods inventory, as well as:
Vehicle registration information
Vehicle condition, mileage reading, and maintenance history
Insurance information
The disposition of vehicles and rolling stock may require separate meetings with the client and/or host
country officials to determine the required procedures for disposition and to establish a transfer
schedule. The official transfer memorandum will be signed by the recipient and the PM and may
require the client’s signature. When transferring vehicles, the PM should always consider arranging
for the use of the vehicle(s) through the closest project completion date as possible. Such an
arrangement greatly facilitates the completion of the myriad close-out tasks that require attention
immediately prior to the PM’s departure from the host country. If such an arrangement is not
possible, the PM should plan to lease adequate vehicles during the final days to ensure he/she and
his/her staff have sufficient access to local transportation as needed.
Transfer of Field Office Sites
During project close-out, a schedule to close the main and any secondary field offices will be
developed. Transfer of office facilities is dictated by the office lease or in accordance with a previously
agreed-upon lease extension, as required by project activities. Lease or rental periods will end on or
before the project close-out date. It is imperative that the office lease not remain in the name of the
field office/project beyond the official project close-out date because expenditures incurred after
project completion are not reimbursable by the client.
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