P. 81

ANNEX I: Field Office Administration
                    cases, Vysnova may work through a local subcontractor that can issue a debit or credit card to staff
                    and  bill  Vysnova.    The  Controller  and  Chief  Financial  Officer  will  provide  authorization  for  this
                    procedure should it be required.  With individual accounts, the same guidelines are followed.  Copies
                    of all documents will be sent to the home office.

                    The PM must also consider whether a dollar account or a local currency account is more beneficial.  If
                    it is decided to use a local currency account, it is preferable that the account accept the wire transfers
                    in dollars, both into and out of the account.

                    Field Office Security
                    Physical Security
                    Physical security provides for the safety and physical protection of Vysnova personnel, facilities, and
                    property. When project staff travels overseas, the PM or their designee will be required to inform the
                    US  embassy  in-country of  travel  plans to make  the Embassy  aware of  US  citizen  presence  in  the
                    If establishing an OCONUS office, within 1 week of contract award, the PM will request a security
                    briefing from the U.S. Embassy cleared through the appropriate Client office. In countries with a strong
                    United Nations (U.N.) presence (i.e., peacekeeping force), the PM will request a security briefing from
                    the appropriate U.N. official.
                    If  a  project  requires  a  specific  security  plan,  the  PM  will  request  guidance  the  Vysnova  COO  on
                    approved  local  security  companies  and  collaborate with  the  local  security  company to  develop  a
                    tailored security plan that meets the contract requirements within 1 month of award, utilizing any
                    information gleaned from the Embassy and UN briefings. PMs may utilize the Vysnova Security Plan
                    Template located in Vysnova Standard PgM Docs > PgM Templates & Forms > Security.

                    The PM will also generate a list of medical services, ranging from doctors, dentists, ambulance services
                    and  location  and  services  provided  at  local  hospitals.  The  U.S.  Embassy  and  other  international
                    organizations can give advice on the best medical facilities in the area.

                    OCONUS Emergency Planning/Continuity of Operations
                    Emergency  planning  enables  Vysnova  to  continue  its  essential  functions  and  fulfill  its  major
                    responsibilities during all types of domestic or foreign emergencies that may affect the availability of
                    Vysnova  facilities,  information  resources,  or  personnel.  The  PM  is  responsible  for  developing  an
                    Emergency Plan tailored to each  project within 30 days of  starting a project. This plan is a living
                    document and will be reviewed and updated on an as-needed basis but no less than once a year.
                    Some field offices may be in environments where an emergency evacuation plan is necessary.  In these
                    cases, it is imperative that the plan be known and well-practiced prior to its need.  In the case of USG-
                    funded projects, the PM will collaborate with the U.S. Embassy in the development of the evacuation
                    plan.  In countries with a heavy U.N. presence, the PM will also take the U.N. security system into
                    account. The PM may use the Vysnova Evacuation Plan Template located in Vysnova Standard PgM
                    Docs > PgM Templates & Forms > Security.
                    Field Office Communications
                    A field office is required to maintain ledgers to record all incoming and outgoing mail as well as courier
                    packages.  These ledgers serve as a reference tool in the event it becomes necessary to ascertain if a
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