P. 79

ANNEX I: Field Office Administration
                    Facility and Equipment Maintenance
                    The PM is responsible for the maintenance of facilities and equipment, including, but not limited to,
                    office  and  project  residence  repairs,  painting,  electrical  wiring,  air  conditioning,  computers,  and
                    telephones.  Prior to any work being performed at the office or project residence, the PM will review
                    the lease with the Contracts Administrator to clearly distinguish those tasks for which the lessee
                    and/or the landlord are responsible.  For those the lessee is responsible, PMs should follow the policies
                    set forth in the Procurement section for procurement of office and equipment maintenance services.
                    Field Office Vehicle Policy

                    Vysnova’s vehicle policy is established to provide both accountability and appropriate use of Project
                    field office vehicles (named as “vehicles” hereafter) and, more importantly, to ensure the safety of
                    Vysnova employees and visitors during the operation and use of vehicles.
                    Vehicle Use
                    Vehicles will only be used for project-related activities financed either through donor agreements to
                    which Vysnova is a party or through Vysnova funding of a non-traditional project activity (i.e., non-
                    project funding). Vehicles will be procured in accordance with the contract’s/grant’s terms and in the
                    most efficient means possible. Field office staff are not permitted to use project vehicles for personal
                    use except in the case of specific circumstances noted below in “Exception for Private Use of a Project
                    Vehicle.”  Any misuse of vehicles by a staff member is cause for immediate dismissal.

                    The following vehicle-related considerations will be managed on a contract/grant basis:
                          Authorized Vehicle Drivers
                          Exception for Private Use of a Project Vehicle
                          Vehicle Insurance
                          Host Country Insurance
                          Field Office Vehicle Management (see Templates: Vehicle Travel Log)
                          Vehicle Maintenance and Repair

                    Vehicle Accidents
                    In  case  of  an  accident,  the  driver  and  project  staff  involved  will  each  write  an  Incident  Report
                    explaining the details of the accident and address it to the PM with a copy to the project financial
                    officer and the Vehicle Fleet Supervisor, if  in the development of the Project-specific Field Office
                    Vehicle Management Plan one has  been assigned. A form presenting a three-dimensional vehicle
                    image in various positions will also be completed.  This form will enable the driver and project staff to
                    accurately mark the appropriate area on the vehicle where damage occurred. The PM will notify the
                    PM immediately after learning of an automobile accident involving one of the field office vehicles.
                    The PM will provide a brief description of the accident (i.e., number of vehicles involved, weather
                    conditions, road conditions, injuries), as well as the serial number, model number, and license number
                    of the vehicle involved.

                    In  addition  to  the  Incident  Report,  a  police  report,  an  estimate  of  the  required  repairs  and
                    photograph(s)  of  the  damaged  vehicle  will  be  collected  and  submitted  to  the  PM  and  the  Field

                                      Copyright 2020 Vysnova Partners Inc.  All rights reserved.

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