Page 28 - final working of the ultimate healer
P. 28
that make up the greater record in the Bible.
It appears that though Jesus told his followers to go and heal
the sick we are only told that they did, not how, or where. After this,
spiritual healing was only recognised as being attributed to notable
religious personages, as an appendage to their spiritually and as
evidence of their sainthood. It requires evidence of two healings of a
miraculous nature and evidence of spiritual living to make one eligible
for sainthood, but it requires evidence of four "miracles" to become a
Healer Member of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers.
For some time, in the Western world, spiritual healing
appeared to have almost totally disappeared. Even though healing of a
spirit nature was being practised in various isolated areas, spiritual
healing as channelled from God, The Holy Spirit, was almost extinct.
A revival of this form of healing became truly significant
through the facility provided by Harry Edwards, a facility that exists
today in the sanctuary that he founded in England. The Church in
England set up a commission to investigate the many claims of Divine
intercession in diverse illnesses and diseases. Harry Edwards was
asked to give cases in his experience so that the commission would be
able to investigate them.
Harry gave many more cases than they asked for, cases that
were well documented from all angles by many professionals. The
report on the results was never published in spite of persistent requests
for a sighting on this document. However, the Church did instigate the
Ministry of Divine Healing. Possibly a case of "If you can't beat them,
join them"!
To-day there are many people practising spiritual healing in
spiritual healing centres, in Spiritualist churches and from their own
homes or private sanctuaries. Unfortunately many may try to emulate
the type of miracle mentioned in the Bible and accordingly limit the
healing facility for those who so earnestly seek to be healed. Many,