Page 5 - ROOT by Brock July August 24_Neat
P. 5


        Most people either love or hate co ee. If   tea, boasts antioxidants that can boost brain

        you aren’t a co ee lover but enjoy ca eine to   function. Yerba mate  is an herbal tea rich
        wake up, we have good news for you! There   in antioxidants and nutrients that make it

        are several alternatives to co ee - mushroom   great for improving mental focus and raising

        co ee, tea, matcha, yerba mate, kombucha,   energy. Kombucha is a fermented tea that
        and hot water with lemon. These drinks   contains probiotics, which provide similar

        give you ca eine without the possible side   benefi ts to green tea (like amplifying mental

        e ects of gastrointestinal problems. Even if   energy) and can protect against diseases.

        you like co ee, these are great alternatives   Eating a snack is a great alternative to power
        you can try. A little variety can keep your   through the morning slump. So why not
        morning interesting.                 treat yourself to a delicious mid-morning
        Many co ee alternatives also have health   pick-me-up? It's the perfect way to fuel your

        benefi ts. Mushroom  co ee is an  equal mix   body and mind, one bite at a time.

        of ground mushrooms and co ee. Reishi,   So, whether you're a co ee lover or a curious

        chaga, lion’s mane,  and cordyceps are  the   ca eine explorer, these trendy alternatives

        most popular mushrooms used in mushroom   will keep your mornings interesting and your

        co ee. For example, mushroom co ee can lead   taste buds tingling. Cheers to new fl avors,
        to better sleep, reduced stress, strengthened   wellness benefi ts, and vibrant mornings!
        immune system, and increased energy levels.
        Di erent teas have di erent benefi ts. Black

        tea helps with infl ammation and supports  ee-
        your immune system. Matcha, a type of green   alternatives/


        It’s easy to rely on fast food and ultra-processed   on them individually or in a trail mix. Nuts, in   Juice boxes are a classic road trip beverage.
        packaged snacks when you’re on the road, but   general, are a more nutritious option than salty   Just make sure they’re 100% juice! You should
        you don’t have to. There are plenty of options   snacks like potato chips or pretzels. They're   also bring reusable water bottles from home to

        for road trip snacks that are both nutritious and   packed  with healthy  fats,  fiber, and  protein.   avoid buying water on the road.
        easy to pack and eat on the go.      Peanut butter crackers are another good   Most of these items are available at rest stops
        For  light  snacks,  fruit  and  cut  veggies  are   option, but review the nutrition label for added   and convenience stores, but you can also plan
        probably the healthiest choices. Plus, they’re   sugars. Cheese sticks are another great protein   ahead and pack at home before you hit the
        easy to pack! Apples, pears, and bananas are   option because they’re light and easy to pack.   road. Just bring a cooler to keep items fresh and
        great fruit options. Baby carrots, snap peas, and   If you are looking for sweet treats, chocolate is   safe to consume. You’ll have more selections,
        celery sticks are good veggie choices.   a good option. Dark chocolate has less sugar   and you might save a little, too!
                                             than milk and is a great choice if it’s covering
        If you're craving something salty, nuts are your                          Source:
        go-to. Salted almonds, pistachios, or cashews   nuts or dried fruit. Chocolate-covered almonds,
        are all excellent choices—whether you snack   for example, are a perfect road trip dessert.   healthy-road-trip-snacks/
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