Page 7 - ROOT by Brock July August 24_Neat
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        Summer fruit is one of the best things about   Despite its many functions, vitamin C is not

        summer. No o ense to apples, but melons,   a cure-all. One thing it cannot do is prevent
        stone fruits, berries, citrus fruits, and   colds. The good news is that regularly taking
        exotic produce like guava make the season   at least 1 mg of the nutrient a day can reduce
        delicious. These treats are not just great in   the severity and length of a cold.
        their natural state, but they are also great   More good news: Vitamin C can improve skin
        additions to and focal points of meals at   health. In face creams, this antioxidant can
        breakfast, lunch, and dinner.        improve wrinkles’ appearance, prevent sun
        This water-soluble vitamin is not only found   damage, and slow  early skin aging.  Vitamin
        in fruits. Chili peppers, sweet yellow peppers,   C fi ghts harmful things that often come
        mustard greens, and kale are also great sources   in contact with the skin externally, like air

        of vitamin C.                        pollution or internal things that a ect the skin.
        Whatever way you eat or drink them, they all   Because of its presence in so many fruits

        o er loads of vitamin C.             and vegetables, it’s easy to get vitamin C. Be
        Vitamin C is important because it plays a   careful, high heat and light destroy it, so don’t
        significant role in our body’s immune function,   overcook foods with vitamin C. Vitamin

        cardiovascular health, wound healing, and the   C-rich foods in their raw forms provide the
        production of collagen and neurotransmitters.   largest amount of the nutrient. There are so
        Plus, it supports bone, tooth, and connective   many delicious ways to get healthy.
        tissue health. It also helps the body absorb iron,   Source:
        a nutrient many people lack.

        focus on we‚ne : BENEFITS OF WORKING OUT
        Many believe working out is only for weight   Sleep Like a Boss: Tired of tossing and
        loss, but exercise provides more benefits than   turning? Daytime exercise has the answer.

        just shedding pounds.                Lacing up those sneakers and breaking a
                                             sweat  will tire  out your body  and set the
        Check out how regular movement can make
        you feel better:                     stage for sweet dreams.
        Feel-Good Feels:  Say hello to those happy   Disease Defense: Strengthen your defenses
        hormones! When you work up a sweat, you're   with every step. Regular exercise enhances your

        not  just  burning  calories.  You’re  releasing  a   immune system, reduces inflammation, and

        flood of feel-good chemicals in your brain   improves cardiovascular health. It’s your secret
        that'll help you kick stress to the curb and   weapon against high blood pressure, diabetes,
        boost your mood sky-high.            and even some cancers. Embrace the power of
                                             movement to protect your long-term health.
        Emotional Empowerment: Do you need
        an outlet for an overload of feelings? Exercise   And here’s the best part: You don’t need to
        has your back. Whether you’re pounding the   be a gym rat to reap the rewards of exercise.

        pavement or busting out burpees, you'll find   Whether crushing a quick HIIT workout at
        that processing emotions and banishing anxiety   home or walking around the block, every
        becomes a whole lot easier with every rep.  movement counts. So, what are you waiting
                                             for? Embrace exercise and see how far you
        Brain Boost: Get ready to flex those mental   can go.

        muscles! Exercise isn’t just good for your body.
        It’s a game-changer for your brain. With every   Source:
        workout say goodbye to brain fog and welcome
        to sharper focus and better memory.  fi tness/in-depth/exercise/art-20048389
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