Page 8 - ROOT by Brock July August 24_Neat
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Inside this i ue:

                 • Health benefi ts of working out

                 • Produce Pick: Apricots
                 • Produce Kitchen Hacks
                 • Road Trip Snacks
                 • And more!

        Busting Myths:  I CAN ONLY GET VITAMIN D FROM MILK.
        Congratulations on your drive to get a   The best food sources of vitamin D are:  D-enriched foods but are not the only ones.
        hearty dose of vitamin D each day. It’s   •  Fatty fi sh like salmon, swordfi sh, tuna, and   Many fruit juices and breakfast cereals are
        a challenging task. Few foods naturally   sardines                        also boosted with vitamin D. Of course, you
        contain the nutrient. Plus, our bodies use                                can get the nutrient from supplements.
        the sun’s ultraviolet-B rays to produce   •  Beef liver                   Incorporating vitamin D into your daily routine
        the vitamin. Melanin, a skin pigment,   •  Egg yolk                       is essential for maintaining optimal health. By
        hinders the skin’s absorption of these rays,   •  UV-exposed varieties of some mushrooms,   prioritizing your vitamin D intake, you’re taking
        so people with darker skin generally have   including white, portobello, and cremini.   proactive steps toward supporting bone health,
        lower vitamin D levels.
                                               Packages will note vitamin D content.   immune function, and overall well-being.
        The federal government recommends      Enterprising individuals can dry fresh   Source:
        adults get 600 IU daily. Unfortunately,   mushrooms in sunlight at home.
        only some achieve that goal. On average, an   Producers add vitamin D to many foods.
        adult takes in a fi fth of the recommended   Dairy products are the most popular vitamin-  vitamin-d/
        allowance from food.

           All of us at Brock & Company, Inc. are dedicated to providing a healthy and enjoyable dining
           experience. We’re here to answer questions and receive your comments or suggestions.
           Email Us:         @BrockEatHealthy      @BrockEatHealthy

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