Page 6 - ROOT by Brock July August 24_Neat
P. 6

Kitchen hacks: PRODUCE USES
        You’ve probably heard the saying “waste not,   •  Frosty  fusions: Blend surplus fruit with   So,  get  creative in the kitchen and let your
        want  not.”  Basically, it  means that  people   some juice and pour the mixture into an ice   imagination run wild! With these clever tips,
        who use everything they have will never need   cube tray to create fruit ice cubes. These can   you’ll reduce food waste and unlock a world
        anything. This comforting idea extends to   be a treat alone or used to make drinking   of new fl avors at every meal.
        your crisper drawer.                   water more fun.
        Here are a few ideas for using produce bits   •  Pickling passion: With a process as simple as
        that you’re probably throwing away:    boiling water, vinegar, sugar, salt, and spices,
                                               then covering hearty fruits and vegetables,
        •  Super  smoothies: Blend those bananas,
          avocados, and other fruits in various states   like watermelon, cabbage, and apricots, with
          of ripeness and leftover vegetables for   the resulting liquid and waiting a few hours,
          a refreshing and nutritious smoothie to   you can enjoy tangy treats.
          kickstart your day.                •  Dessert delight:  Have any unused fruits
                                               or vegetables lying around?  Add them to
        •  Stock  sensation: Don’t discard bones,
          vegetable peels, or herb stems! They are   your cake batter for a unique and delicious
          secret ingredients in homemade stocks and   dessert that will impress.
          sauces that will take them to the next level.  •  Salad sensation: Give your salad dressings
                                               a fl avor boost by incorporating bits of juicy
        •  Freeze  frenzy: Preserve the taste of
          summer by freezing fresh berries, melon   fruits. Strawberries, oranges, and apples
          chunks, and other fruits to enjoy during   are common fruits that add a delightful
          the colder months when fresh produce is   dimension to your greens.
          scarce.                            •  Breakfast bonanza: Add surplus fruits,
                                               vegetables, and herbs to your morning
        •  Regrow revolution: Give new life

          to scallions, celery, leeks, and fennel   oatmeal, farina, wa  es, or egg dishes for a
          by regrowing them in your kitchen.   sweet or savory kick to start your day.
          Submerge  the areas around the roots in   •  Teatime: Steep pineapple rinds to create a
          a conventional drinking glass and watch   soothing and aromatic tea that will warm
          them sprout anew!                    you from the inside out.

        From the Kitchen:
                                                                                       Nutrition Information (per serving):
        APRICOT AND BLUEBERRY OVERNIGHT OATS                                         Calories 320, Total Fat 8g, Saturated Fat 2g,
                                                                                       Unsaturated Fat 6g, Cholesterol 10mg,
        Recipe created by Keith Long, Director of Culinary Innovation, Brock & Company, Inc.  Sodium 55mg, Carbohydrates 53g, Fiber 7g,
                                                                                            Sugar 21g, Protein 12g
        SERVES 4

        INGREDIENTS:                         DIRECTIONS:                          •  Evenly distribute diced apricots, ensuring they
        • 2 cups oats                        In a bowl, combine oats and milk. Set aside. In a   reach the sides of the dish.
        • 2 cups 2% milk                     small bowl, mix the honey and lemon juice. Set   •  Add blueberries on top of the apricots.

        • 1 ⅓ Tbsp. honey                    aside. Divide the oat mixture evenly among four   •  Drizzle the honey mixture over the blueberries.

        • 2 tsp. lemon juice                 bowls or other type of individual dishes.   •  Sprinkle toasted almond slices over the top.
        • 12 oz. apricots, pit removed, diced  Layer each dish as follows:
                                                                                  Cover each dish and refrigerate for at least six
        • ½ cup blueberries, fresh or frozen  •  Spread the oat mixture along the bottom of   hours or overnight, until the oats are set.
        • ¼ cup almonds, toasted and sliced    each dish.
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