Page 32 - WM E-Learning Handbook
P. 32

Module 5: CNG Fueling Station Safety Systems and Fueling Practices

Learning Objectives
    1. Identify and use the major safety systems at a CNG fueling station
    2. Fuel a CNG-powered vehicle at a fast-fill station or time-fill post

            Slide Topic                  Content                                    Notes

CNG Fueling Station Safety   Signs and placards
Systems                      Emergency Shut Down

                                Devices (ESDs)
                             Fire extinguishers
                             Quarter-turn shut-off valves
                             Breakaway hoses

Signs and Placards

Emergency Shutdown Device    Identified with a red placard
(ESD)                        A fail-safe device
                             Shuts down the entire CNG

                                fueling station
                             Located within 10 feet of the

                                end of any fueling hose
                             An additional ESD 25 to 75

                                feet from where you’re

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