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Shared Interest Group Announcements
Bunco Club Quilters ~ Quilters inspiring Quilters
gift cards for "Most Bunco's" $25, "Most Wins" $20, "Most Losses" $15 We meet the 2nd and 4th Fridays at 10:00 a.m. in The Library. If you
and the new "Flying Bunco Baby" $5. Half time Raffle Prizes. have any questions please call Carol at 361-290-3222.
NOTE: If you want to be included on the Bunco notifications, contact me
and I will add you to our list. Jan Frack, 408-425-8108 Club Veterans
This month is our clean up month for all types of things but now clearing
the desks for this year's coming Vets BBQ. Yes, we had some issues last
year but they've all been corrected. One important thing we've learned is
do not mess with what works. If you have not noticed our "New and used
Sneaker Drive" is underway. And we would like to thank all of you for
donating them to us. They can be old, slightly used or unused. All the
funds raised by this activity will go directly into our ability to help
veterans who are in need. Contrary to popular myth, you do not have to
be a veteran to be a member. It is open to all members of our
community. Come visit us at one of our meetings, every second
Thursday of the month, at The Club at 10:00AM. Have a cup of Joe and
Most Buncos ~ Reza Zare, Most Wins ~ Diana Bixby, free donut on us.
Most Loses ~ Gina Glantz, Bunco Baby ~ Sharon Clark
Raffle Winners ~ Tuffy Haselhorst, Margie Gazarian Announcing the annual Club Vets BBQ
Saturday, May 31, 2025
Club Crafters 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Whatever your craft or hobby is, we would like to invite you to join
us. We meet every Tuesday at 10 AM in the library. Dig out those
unfinished projects and come have a cup of coffee with us, and I Cornhole
guarantee lots of good conversation and laughs. We would like to invite
new residents to stop by anytime and come see what we are doing and Cornhole (also known regionally as sack toss, or bags) is a lawn game in
perhaps entice you to join our group. which players or teams take turns throwing fabric bean bags at a raised,
We also accept yarn and needlework items you no longer want. If you angled board with a hole in its far end. The goal of the game is to score
would like more information about our group, please contact Mary Mesa points by either landing a bag on the board (one point) or putting a bag
by email or by phone (408)731-0638. through the hole (three points).
We establish teams each time from a lottery draw. We ask for $2 as we
Club Trekkers use the funds for prizes at the end of the evening.
Weather dictates if we play inside in the Wellness Room or outside
The Club Trekkers are starting to plan our spring ’25 road trip. We are under the covered patio.
looking at a 3 night / 4 day trip to the Redwoods National / State parks Play for March will be on March 3rd, 5th, and March 17th and
north of Eureka / Arcata in May. If you might be interested and are not 19th. Monday play is at 1:00 pm and Wednesday play is at 5:30 pm.
currently on the Trekkers mailing list, you can contact Charlie Huffine A sign-up email is sent out approximately one week before scheduled
for more info: play. We have had great turnout so in order to give everyone a chance to
Every Saturday morning the Trekkers conduct a neighborhood walk play, we ask that initially you only sign up for your first choice. Check
that’s generally 2 to 2 1/2 miles in length at a casual pace. And there’s back a couple days later and if there is still room available for the other
always a group of walkers that stop at MoJoe’s Cafe for a beverage. In day, please go ahead and signup.
addition, we also have a hike “on dirt” each Tuesday. While trail A quick reminder, the semiannual dues of $5 per person will be due in
conditions for March are tough to predict, we will be flexible and adjust January.
as rain and trail conditions dictate but here is the tentative plan for the If you would like to join our signup email distribution list, please contact
month with the understanding that we might shift hard surface hikes in Linda Mohr at New players are always
for hikes on dirt. No matter, two days before each hike or walk we will welcome!
send out an email with details regarding the next event to members of the
Club Trekkers mailing list. CRI (Conservatives, Republicans, and Independents)
Tuesday, March 4th – Hidden Falls. 4 ½ miles, moderate
Tuesday, March 11th – Bobelain Audubon Sanctuary. 4 – 5 miles, easy Those who attended our February meeting had to put up with some
Tuesday, March 18th – Foresthill Divide Loop. 4 – 5 miles, moderate pretty inclement weather, but it was well worth the effort.
Tuesday, March 25th – North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve. 4 ½ We had two very informative speakers from the Placer County District
miles easy to moderate. This hike could shift out a week or two Attorney’s Office. Shannon Quigley discussed elder abuse and Cassidy
depending on wildflowers and trail conditions Paganucci discussed scams, especially those where senior citizens are
March 2025 Page 10