Page 50 - Fear Unmasked Flipbook
P. 50
go to the hospital.
In that very same year, deaths as the result of
traffic accidents exceeded 40,000. But people still
get in their cars every day. In fact, over 4.7 million
“death machines” were purchased that very year.
Crazy right?
Heart disease, claims an average of 647,000
American lives each and every year. That comes out
to 1,772 deaths per day. Why aren’t you filled with
fear over your pending death soon to be caused by
heart disease every time that you go out to eat?
The sad truth is that we are currently living in
a digital dystopia where people simply cannot
seem to put their smartphones down. Remember,
the average American spends over eleven hours
consuming media in front of a screen of some kind
each and every day. Push notifications interrupt us
over eighty times in a given day as well. So, it is safe
to say that the modern human being is extremely
well connected to the world around them. However,
this level of connection is also directly impacting
our current situation.
We are living in the era of misleading headlines
and published articles that are not fact checked