Page 80 - Writing1-try
P. 80
Start to Write 1
I often visit John on Sunday.
I often visit who(m)? on Sunday. (John)
D1. Write S over the subject. V over the verb, and D.O. over the direct object.
1. My house has three bedrooms.
2. I often play pool in the fames room.
3. She likes her baby brother very much.
4. He visits London every year.
5. She wears a sweater in cold weather.
6. Bill sometimes has some coffee in the evening.
7. They watch television every night.
8. We usually eat lunch in the cafeteria.
9. The house has a wall around it.
10. Barbara leaves the university at 4:30 every day.
D2. Write a sentence. Put the words in the correct order. Draw a circle around the
direct object.
1. Baseball / play / I / Sunday / everyday
2. She / car / a / new / has
3. Wears / class / he / jeans / to
4. Home / we / at / breakfast / eat
5. Window / has / the / living room / big / a
6. Homework / at / their / they / do / night
E. Plural nouns: spelling
1. Most plural noun ends in –s.
Room – rooms tree – trees
Car – cars house - houses
2. Add –es to a noun that ends in s, ch, sh, or x,
Bus – buses dish – dishes
Church – churches box – boxes
3. If a noun ends in y and there is a consonant before the y, change the y to i and add -
Baby – babies lady – ladies
Body – bodies hobby – hobbies
4. If a noun ends in y and there is a vowel before the y, add -s.
Boy – boys toy – toys
day – days tie – ties
5. If a noun ends in f, change the f to v and add -es. If a noun ends in fe, change the f
to v and add -s.