Page 64 - DepEd Newsletter 2020
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               DepEd Memorandum No. 11, s. 2020 Re: Creation of a Task Force for the Management of the Department of Education
               Response to Novel Coronavirus Active Respiratory Disease (February 2020)

               DepEd CAR Regional Memorandum No. 113, s. 2020 Re: Guidance to Schools Divsion offices on the Preparation of Pro-
               posed Learning Continuity Plans (April 28, 2020)

               SDO Benguet Division Memorandum no. 079 s. 2020 Re: Composition of the Schools Division of Benguet Public Service
               Continuity Planning Committee (April 06, 2020)

               Alternative Teaching and Learning Delivery Modes in the Schools Division of Benguet: A Descriptive Study conducted by
               Benilda M. Daytaca, EDD, CESO VI with the field research team (April 2020).
               Schools Division of Benguet Schools Readiness Form for Teaching and Learning in the New Normal (April 2020).

               Schools Division of Benguet Personnel Work From Home Survey on Productivity and Performance (April 2020).
               Ensuring Education Continuity and Adapting to the New Normal: The DepEd Response Plan on COVID-19 (Firsst Consoli-
               dated Draft, 20April 2020).

               Ensuring Education Continuity and Adapting to the New Normal: The DepEd Response Plan on COVID-19 (Firsst Consoli-
               dated Draft, 01 May 2020).

               Ensuring Education Continuity and Adapting to the New Normal: The DepEd Administration Strand’s Proposals and Prepa-

               Proposed Learning Continuity Plan During the COVID-19 Perios (Curriculum and Instruction Strand), April 21, 2020 by Usec
               for Curriculum and Instruction Diosdado M. San Antonio.

        Schools Division of Benguet                LEARNING CONTINUITY OPERATIONAL PLAN                                  Page 58
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