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Women's History Month
March was Women’s History Month, commemorating and encouraging the study, observance, and celebration of the vital role of
women in American history. MIL also celebrated the vital role our staff makes, our Women Making the Difference. We virtually sat
down with a few of the leading ladies from our Proposals & Marketing and Recruiting teams to get their insight on their roles at MIL,
career advice, reflection, and more! A snapshot of the interviews follows and be sure to check out our Women Making the Difference
page to read the full interview about their experiences and bios.
Rhonda Cadogan, Vice President, Proposals & Marketing Monique Llanos, Proposal Writer
What career advice would you give your What are the most effective ways to counteract
younger self/young women? the negative stereotypes of feminism, especially
You are your own best advocate. Use your in the workplace?
voice to be a leader, to affect change, to make Education, communication, and creating a
improvements, and to accomplish your goals. culture of diversity, equality and inclusion
Seize opportunities, don’t just wait for them! are ways of encouraging the type of dialogue
that mitigates feminist stereotypes. Hiring
experienced women in roles of leadership, and
encouraging professional networking, also
counteract negative stereotypes. MIL leadership
has invested in a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Rebecca helms, Systems Administration Specialist Working Group with the help of a third party
firm, to develop authentic measures, conduct
What can men contribute to women’s focus groups, and collect data, in an effort to
empowerment (at home and in society)? help enhance the culture in our workplace.
Be an advocate instead of a ‘bro’…when That makes me feel respected and valued in the
you see or hear sexist remarks or witness workplace.
discrimination, call them out right then and
there in public. Let others see and witness
your intolerance to objectifying women or the
discrimination against them—it sets the tone Erin Cooper, Creative & Brand Manager
and let’s others know they don’t have to ‘play
the game.’ What does International Women’s Day and
Women’s History Month mean to you?
It’s an opportunity to reflect – on what women
before me have done to push us forward, how
they have struggled, overcome, and thrived –
Mary Hernandez-Fernandez, Sourcer/Recruiter Coordinator but most importantly, recognizing and acting
on the work that is left to be done. How can we
What career advice would you give your continue to lift one another up? As a mother of a
younger self/young women? young daughter, it is important that I set a good
Don’t let yourself be intimidated and example and guide her to find her own unique
appreciate the advice/criticism you receive voice along her journey. Knowing that I can aid
from fellow colleagues with more experience. in creating confidence in a younger generation of
There mentorship will help you learn and women is a great privilege.
grow your career if you are willing to listen.
14 | The mil connection | spring 2021