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employees of the month
December 2020: Rebecca Helms February 2021: Sarah Arumsari
Rebecca has been supporting the Sarah was a key contributor to the
Proposals and Marketing team for a few successful implementation of dashboards
years remotely after transitioning from a for our DoS Diplomatic Security (DS)
client service role with the Department client. She also participated in the
of State. Rebecca continues to take early design phase of an Unliquidated
on additional responsibility through Obligations (ULO) database using
volunteering for critical support areas, Microsoft Dynamics. Sarah has provided
such as SharePoint and the Employee high quality interactive dashboards
Data Survey analysis. Rebecca always presents a positive, can- for ULO's and updated our current ULO process using an MS
do attitude with each assignment and demonstrates her years' Access database and MS Excel queries. She has supported several
experience working in client service in her projects. Rebecca was interactive briefings to the DS Assistant Secretary, earning
selected as Employee of the Month due to her expanded role and recognition for our team among her peers and key stakeholders.
delivery of SharePoint training to MIL employees. She stepped up Sarah continues to provide high quality visually pleasing
and volunteered to share her knowledge through a virtual format dashboards that continue to propel DS/CFO as an innovator
to provide clarity for all MIL teams on how best to leverage the within DoS.
tools made available.
January 2021: April Knight
April is being recognized as January 2021
Employee of the Month for her excellent
performance and representation of MIL
at the Department of State (DoS) client
site. April started at the Charleston
Financial Center in 2008 supporting
Accounts Receivable and Central
Allotment Accounting. In 2012, she
moved to the DC area and joined MIL in the GFSS group at DoS.
She initially worked on the interface team and eventually became
a budget and help desk subject matter expert. In 2020, MIL won a
new task order at the Bureau of Budget and Planning within DoS
and April has been leading the team and has made an immediate
impact. This group was in desperate need of assistance and April
has already been able to grow the team by two positions. April is
a reliable, dedicated, and professional employee. She has a great
future ahead of her in her team lead role on her new project.
Upcoming Events
May 5, 2021: 2021 Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Analytics Summit
MIL will join our peers as a Gold Sponsor to explore how data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) will forever change the way we
work. Experts from across government and industry, including our own Robotic Process Automation team, will discuss current chal-
lenges, best practices, use cases, and emerging technologies related to AI and data analytics in the public sector.
July 19-21: Association of Government Accountants (AGA) Professional Development Training (PDT)
AGA’s PDT brings together a broad audience of more than 2,000 federal, state, and local government financial professionals, including
federal, state, and local government Chief Financial Officers, Inspectors General, accountants, auditors, as well as financial profession-
als from the private sector. MIL is proud to sponsor and present at this conference.
October 2, 2021: MIL DC Area Awards Ceremony & Crab feast
With optimism, we have reserved a date for our annual event. Stay tuned for updates!
16 | The mil connection | spring 2021