Page 126 - Foy
P. 126


               FREDERICK FOY,              the  son of FREDERICK FOY SR                    will be called
               FREDERICK FOY JR..

               FREDERICK FOY, the son of JACOB FOY will be called FREDERICK FOY

               FREDERICK FOY SR was born in 1751 and died December 17, 1815. He lived
               in Craven County. It appears from various records he was married twice. By
               piecing together various documents which include the will of FREDERICK FOY
               SR it appears his first wife was the daughter EMANUAL SIMMONS of Jones
               County, North Carolina. (  You will recall EMANUEL SIMMONS and his wife
               MIRIAM were witnesses to the will of JACOB FOY, FREDERICK’s brother.)

               The first name of      the  SIMMONS girl is not         known but they      were   probably
               married before 1780 and had several children; FREDERICK                           FOY JR,
               THOMAS FOY, POLLY FOY, and FRANCES FOY. The dates of birth and the
               order of    birth  for these children is not known.          (In the will of EMANUEL
               SIMMONS         dated   December 23, 1806, SIMMONS                bequeaths property to
               his”grandchildren, the sons and daughters of FREDERICK FOY”.)

               The second wife of FREDERICK FOY SR was a woman named BATHSHEBA.
               Her last name is not known.         They had at least three children; ELIZABETH
               FOY, JOHN FOY and MARIA FOY.

               It is said that both FREDERICK FOY SR and his second wife, BATHSHEBA,

               are buried in Craven County near New Bern, North Carolina. The inscription
               on their tombstone is :

                       “FREDERICK FOY who died Dec’r 17, A.D. 1815, age of 64 yrs. & his wife:
                       BATHSHEBA, born 1769, died Jan. 6, 1801, age 32 yrs.”

               FREDERICK FOY SR, at the time of his death owned over three thousand acres
               of land located on both the North and the South sides of the Trent River. Below
               are listed seven grants in his name in Craven County. There are many others

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