Page 130 - Foy
P. 130
horses, mares, mules, cattle, sheep and hogs, I give and bequeath to my said
four daughters to be equally divided among them. In testimony whereof I
the said Frederick Foy, Senior, hereunto set my hand and seal on day first
mentioned above.
Signed, sealed published and declared by testator as and for his last will and
testament in the presence of us who at the request of said testator in his
presence and in the presence of each testator in his presence and in presence
of each other subscribed our names as witnesses.
John Green
J.C. Stanley
State of North Carolina Court of Pleas and Quarter
Craven County Session December
Term A.D. 1815
The last will and testament of Frederick Foy, Senior, Esq., was offered for
probate and the due and legal execution thereof by the testator who proved
in open court by the oath of John Green Sen’r, who swore he saw the testator
sign and seal and heard him declare said paper his last will and testament
and that at the time thereof said testator was of a sound ans disposing mind
and memory, Ordered that the same be registered.
Attest: J.G. Stanley, C.C.”
An interesting point concerning the wealth of FREDERICK FOY SR is shown
from papers filed following the death of FREDERICK FOY SR regarding JOHN
and MARIA FOY, two of his children. Both were minors at the time
FREDERICK’s death.
THOMAS H. Davis was appointed guardian for MARIA. ASA JONES was
appointed guardian for JOHN. The guardians were given the sum of ten
thousand dollars as surity for their guardianship.
Ch. 12 Pg. 12