Page 132 - Foy
P. 132

Part   of this complication arises from        the  wording in the will of EMANUEL
               SIMMONS dated December 29, 1806 and “proved” in February 1807. In giving
               property to certain relatives the will states in part:

                       .....To daughter, Elizabeth Munford, certain livestock and $100.00 and use
                       of certain negroes.

               Later, it states:

                       I give  and bequeath      unto my grand children (sons)          and daughters of
                       FREDERICK FOY two hundred dollars in money to them, their heirs and
                       assigns or survivors in case of death in non age,

               Again, this is one of those situations we just can not solve from records but have
               to use logic and theory.  The best theory involves FREDERICK FOY, SR and
               ELIZABETH SIMMONS MUNFORD FOY both being married at least twice
               so that ELIZABETH FOY and EDWARD MUNFORD were step siblings or half

               This is just another one of those situations you run into when there are no family
               records and you have to depend on public records and theory.

               The children of FREDERICK FOY, SR are, as best we can determine:

                       FREDERICK FOY, JR
                       THOMAS FOY
                       POLLY FOY
                       FRANCES FOY
                       ELIZABETH FOY
                       JOHN FOY
                       MARIA FOY

               Now, as you can see, if       this  volume was dedicated to tracing ALL the FOY
               ancestors in our family tree, we would already have hundreds of names in just
               three or four generations; almost an impossible task. Just trying to sort out all
               the direct ancestors of the Cisco Clan seems impossible.

                                                       Ch. 12 Pg. 14
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