Page 137 - Foy
P. 137

FREDERICK FOY,            JR   was appointed a magistrate         for  the  June   Court of
               Craven County in 1815.

               On May 30, 1816 FREDERICK FOY, JR sold to NATHANIEL JONES some
               land lying on the North Side of the Trent River.

               On May 10, 1818 FREDERICK sold to W.F. CLARK for $1,600.00 a parcel of
               land in Craven County bounded by HARGET’s line (apparantly the land he had
               purchased from JAMES and ELIZABETH HARGET in 1814).

               The exact details of the marriage of FREDERICK FOY, JR are not known. It is
               believed, because of his age and where he lived, a record noticing the marriage
               of FREDERICK FOY and ALICE FULFORD of Craven County, possibly the
               daughter of SARAH FULFORD                who is listed in the 1790       census of Craven
               County, refers to FREDERICK FOY, JR. This record is dated in March of 1801.

               FREDERICK FOY, JR had several children:

                       1.  FREDERICK         FOY    III,  (he  further    compounds      the   same   name
               problem).    This     FREDERICK          FOY     is supposed      to be    identical   to the
               FREDERICK FOY who was married in                   Craven County       August 13, 1828 to
               SALLY FOSCUE and later moved to Dyer County, Tennessee.

                       2. JOHN R. FOY, who was, in 1827 (the year of FREDERICK FOY, JR’s
               death), appointed the guardian of five of FREDERICK FOY, JR’s children.

                       3.  AMOS (Amos Simmons FOY; discussed later.)

                       4.  ELIZA ( who later married a MR MILLER)

                       5.  MARGARET JANE (who later married a MR WALTON)

                       6.  HARRIET (who died young)

                       7.  AMANDA (who also married a MR MILLER)

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