Page 131 - Foy
P. 131

Ten thousand dollars in the early 1800s was a hugh amount of money.


               As mentioned,      FREDERICK FOY,            SR   was married     twice and had several
               children.  His first wife is thought to have been the daughter of one EMANUEL
               SIMMONS, of Jones County, N.C. Her name is thought to be ELIZABETH
               SIMMONS         MUNFORD         (having earlier      been   married     to a man      named
               MUNFORD).         FREDERICK and this woman were married sometime before

               At this point let’s discuss one of those dilemmas that come up in genealogical
               research where so many people have the same name and in early records it is
               difficult, often times impossible, to determine the exact identity of the person
               being talked about.

               The name ELIZABETH was and is popular in the FOY family. For that matter
               it was and is  a popular name in many families. Here we have FREDERICK
               FOY, SR marrying a woman named ELIZABETH.

               Further,     according to some It would appear that JAMES FOY,                            SR
               (FREDERICK’s         brother)    had two daughters named ELIZABETH. At                  some
               point FREDERICK FOY,                SR, who was married to              a  woman named
               ELIZABETH, also had a daughter named ELIZABETH.                                   The    four
               ELIZABETHS  would have all lived at the same time or, at least, at about the
               same time.

               The best available records indicate ELIZABETH, the daughter of FREDERICK
               FOY, SR married EDWARD MUNFORD.

               The problem with        that is........ there  are records    which indicate EDWARD
               MUNFORD had the same mother as did the son of FREDERICK FOY, SR., i.e.
               FREDERICK FOY,               JR.   Therefore,     ELIZABETH          FOY,     daughter of
               FREDERICK FOY, SR, married her own brother, if those records were all we

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