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science and when someone tells you they have traced their family back hundreds
and hundreds of years remember that task involved some giant leaps of
assumptions and the following of theories. So, just smile and say, “How nice for
The will of FREDERICK FOY SR is dated November 1, 1813 and reads as
“In the name of God Amen. I Frederick Foy, Senior, of the county of Craven
and State of North Carolina; Knowing the uncertainty of life and being of
sound and disposing memory do this first day of November in the year of our
Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirteen make publish and declare my
last will and testament in manner and form following:
Imprimis- I appoint my friend John Stanley Esquire of Newbern, and my
beloved son Thomas Foy Executors and hereby revoke all other wills by me
at any time made.
ITEM: I give and devise unto my son Thomas Foy, his heirs and assigns
forever, the whole tract or parcel of land called Seven Springs subject
however to the bequests hereinafter made. I also give and devise unto my
said son Thomas Foy his heirs and assigns forever one hundred acres of
land lying on the head of Island Creek, and Horse Pen pond, patented by
Thomas Foy Senr.
ITEM: I give and devise unto my son John Foy and his heirs and
assigns forever the home plantation where I now reside with all the land on
the East side of Reedy Branch including the Mill seat, thence up the
Meanders of various water sources of said branch to Knight’s corner, thence
westardly until it joins the lines at the head of Island Creek, and the line of
my one hundredacre tract (heretofore devised to my son Thomas) thence
eastwardly with my back line towards Brice’s Creek so as to include all the
land (excepting only three tracts adjoining Brice’s Creek) between my lines,
Durant Hatch, Senior’s lines, the lines of Jeremiah Parsons, Jones’ Line.
With Jones’ line to Hoods Creek, down the meanders of Wood’s Creek to
Trent River, thence up the river its various courses to Heady Branch, I also
give and devise unto my said son John Foy his heirs and assigns forever one
half acre lot and to water front lying in the town of Newbern between Middy
Ch. 12 Pg. 10