Page 182 - Foy
P. 182
The same date BENJAMIN filed a notice to The Commissioner of Pensions, in
Washington, D.C. requesting his claim for bounty land under the ninth section
of the Act of the 11 day of February 1848 be recognized. There is mention in
that notice of a land warrant being issued to him from the War Department as
“he is entitled to it.” A reference number on these documents is 56.16.5,
There is a “certificate”, numbered 14,538, on file with the recorder of the general
land office for the United States of America at Monroe, Louisiana wherein the
government, in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Congress April 24th
1820, granted to BENJAMIN F. FOY “the South East quarter; and the East half
of the South West quarter of Section One in Township nineteen North of Range
Four West in the District of Lands subject to sale at Monroe, Louisiana, containing
two hundred and forty acres and thirty hundredths of an acre.” So, for a period
of time BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY owned land in the state of Louisiana
where he lived and farmed and some of his children were born, including JOHN
ELON FOY, the patriarch of the CISCO CLAN.
The number on that Louisiana land certificate does not match the number on an
application for land bounty BENJAMIN filed when he got out of the service
leaving the speculation that he received land from the government some place
else but, so far, no one has found it.
According to a family bible belonging to JOHN ELON FOY, BENJAMIN
married a girl named ELIZABETH WHITE on December 12th,1850. Some
researchers say they married in Louisiana; some say Georgia. No background
information has been found concerning ELIZABETH but research has been
conducted in Louisiana and Georgia. There is one clue, however, that I had not
considered until writing this chapter and looking over some notes. In the 1900
U.S. Census record for Custer County, Oklahoma, which is where JOHN ELON
FOY and his family lived for a while, under the column asking for the birth state
of JOHN’s mother, Louisiana is noted making it doubtful she had ever been in
BENJAMIN and ELIZABETH’s first child was born in Jackson Parish,
Louisiana in1851 or 1852. They named her MISSOURI OWENS FOY. Their
second child was JOHN ELON FOY, the patriarch of the CISCO CLAN, who