Page 181 - Foy
P. 181


               B       ENJAMIN         FRANKLIN         FOY    was the first ancestor       of  the  CISCO

                       CLAN to come to Texas. His first visit to Texas was not a good experience
               as  he suffered the effects of it for the rest of his life.

               BENJAMIN first came to Texas from Georgia  in 1847 to fight in the Mexican
               War.    This visit   was brief because U.S.      Army records      indicate   he enlisted in
               Company C, [Captain Walton Ecton’s Company] 13  Infantry Regiment, U.S.
               Army on April 10, 1847.   He was honorably discharged at Mobile, Alabama on
               July 15, 1848.     His discharge papers       describe him     as “born   in  Bibb  County,

               Georgia, twenty one years of age, five feet ten inches tall, dark complexion, grey
               eyes and light hair”. His occupation was noted as “farmer”.

               Family tradition claims are when BENJAMIN first arrived in Texas to fight in
               the war    he caught    the  measles which settled in      his stomach.     Following that
               illness he never had a well day the rest of his life

               After   his discharge from       the  service BENJAMIN          returned to    his home in
               Meriwether County, Georgia but soon traveled back toward Texas stopping in
               the state of Louisiana where his uncle, MORRIS  H. FOY lived. MORRIS was
               a brother of BENJAMIN’s father, LEWIS FOY. Nothing is known  about how
               long or why MORRIS            had  been living in     Louisiana.     BENJAMIN        lived in
               Louisiana for several years and his brother, ROBERT HENRY FOY later joined
               him there.  ROBERT HENRY continued to live with BENJAMIN and his family
               for several years in both Louisiana and Texas.

               Before he left  Georgia for Louisiana, on September 19, 1848,  BENJAMIN filed

               an Oath of Identity with a Justice of the Peace for Meriwether County, Georgia.
               In that oath he declared he was identical with the individual who was a member
               of Company C, 13  Infantry that enlisted in April 1847 and was discharged July
               15, 1848 at Mobile, Alabama.  This document was necessary in order for him to
               be awarded a land bounty warrant issued from the Pension department of the
               U.S. Government.

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