Page 186 - Foy
P. 186

The June 1,      1880   U.S.  Census of Kosse,      Limestone County, Texas has the
               following listing for the B.F. FOY family:

                       B.F. FOY, W, M, 53, husband, farmer
                       M.E.       , W, F, 40, wife, keeping house
                       JIM         , W, M, 23, son,asst farming
                       W. F.      , W, M, 17, son, asst farming
                       LEWIS   , W, M, 15, son, asst farming
                       MARION,W, F, 13, daugh, at home
                       HENRY   , W, M, 10, son, at home
                       FRANCIS, W, F, 8, daugh, at home
                       ELLA       , W, F, 6, daugh, st home
                       MAGGIE, (Margaret) W, F, 3, daugh, at home
                       BARNETT , W.H., W, M, 24, none, Farmer

               At the beginning of this book, you will recall, there is a dedication to ELOUISE
               BEARD SMITH.  ELOUISE is a descendant of JOHN ELON FOY’s brother
               ROBERT HENRY FOY and has done extensive research regarding the FOY
               family.  Over the years ELOUISE has collected several stories about some of our
               FOY ancestors, including BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY. The following is an
               example of such family stories passed down through the family:

               This story was told by ROBERT HENRY FOY, ELOUISE’s grandfather on her
               mother’s    side.  ROBERT HENRY, you’ll recall, was BENJAMIN’s brother.
               Sometime before 1886 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY took                           his  wife, MARY
               ELIZABETH         PAYNE JACKS          FOY,   and their children to      Indian   Territory,
               Oklahoma to live.  They moved into a house which had already been built. Each

               night one of the family would close and lock the front door and go to bed. The
               story goes that during the night each would hear strange noises like someone
               dragging a chain on the stairs and in the morning the front door would be wide
               open.  They finally abandoned the house and went back to Limestone County.
               They claimed they found out there had been a massacre of the family who had
               lived in that house before.

               BENJAMIN and          his  family  were not the    first or the last of the    FOYs in the
               CISCO CLAN ancestry to move to Oklahoma.  You will recall JOHN ELON
               FOY moved his family to Oklahoma just before the turn of the 20  century and

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