Page 194 - Foy
P. 194


               As previously mentioned the  CISCO CLAN  is  described  for  the  purposes  of this  book as  that happy group  of FOY
               descendants who meet each year for a family reunion near  Cisco, Texas.  Each member, in one way or another, can trace
               his roots to JOHN ELON FOY.

               JOHN ELON FOY was the second of eleven (11) children born between 1851 and 1877 and whose father was BENJAMIN
               FRANKLIN FOY.  Following the Mexican War in Texas, in which he  fought, BENJAMIN FRANKLIN FOY returned to Georgia
               for a while and then moved from Georgia to Louisiana and then back to Texas. JOHN ELON FOY was born in August 28,

               1854 in Jackson Parish, Louisiana.  His mother was ELIZABETH WHITE.

               JOHN ELON FOY fathered fourteen (14) children. The following chapters of this book  will be dedicated to information
               and photographs of these fourteen children and their lines of the FOY family.

               Opinions regarding histo ry are divided.  It has been said histo ry is a form of journalism;  histo ry is a distillation
               of rumor;  histo ry is a pack of lies. HENRY FORD in a libel law suit filed against the C hicago ribune in 1919 said,
               “History is bunk.”

               History has never been a favorite subject of mine. Somehow reading about people who lived long ago in faraway places
               does not seem real to me. The feelings I get about histo ry are much like those I get from watching movies or television.
               I see it and I understand it, but it’s not the same as the real-life events of which I am a part of each day; the people I
               know, the places I go, etc.

               It is often difficult to realize that the people about whom histo ry is written were just like me and just like you. They
               lived, breathed, loved, and laughed.  They were happy and sad. They felt good and felt bad. They experienced all the
               thousands of emotions and feelings that make up a human existence;  the same as you and I. But, sometimes even
               realizing that, reading their history  doesn’t make them seem real.

               What you read and see on the following pages  will be histo ry partially  written by you and by me. You and I know
               and have known the people and the events and the

                places that will be described.  It is real to us because we were there or know someone who was.  In a way we are  there
               right now because the present will be history tomorrow! Right now we are experiencing what generations to follow will
               only see through photographs and words on paper

               The information about the C ISC O L AN   that follows comes from several sources. I have tried to insure that it is as
               accurate as possible; however, there will inevitably be mistakes and certainly will be omissions because of a lack of

                                              TAB 17 Cisco Clan Page 5
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