Page 14 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 14


Having known collectors of many types over decades, I have                樂從堂藏明代重要瓷器漆器
concluded that three elements make for a great collector. First is a
sense of beauty and the good taste that comes and develops with           與藏家交往多年,我歸納出一個頂級藏家該具備的三項特質:
it. Second is the ability and willingness to devote ample resources,      其一,擁有美感知能,從而培養發展個人品味。其二,兼具能
including time, to collecting and researching.This is especially true     力動力,積極投入時間、資源於鑒藏領域,中國藝術尤當如此。
of Chinese art. Third is a willingness to seek out the best advice        其三,無論是專業或一般問題,均樂於受教,且能擇善從之。
possible, technical and general, and to pay heed to it. With regard       樂從堂主人就此而言,可謂有過之而無不及。
to the Master of the Le Cong Tang collection, these three elements
are all present in abundance.                                             我有幸與樂從堂主人交往多年,其人談吐逸趣橫生,每每會晤
I have had the good fortune to be in regular contact with the             求先以美感為取捨的首要條件,至於學術價值、稀有程度或來
Master of the Le Cong Tang Collection for a number of years and           源顯赫與否則非其首要考慮因素。即便如此,其收藏中卻有多
it has been a stimulating experience. It is not an exaggeration to        件器物身世不凡,舉足輕重,絕美珍稀。此十三件明朝重器當
say that there has hardly been a dull moment. His enthusiasm has          為佳例。
been infectious. The principal and overriding criterion in forming
the collection has been aesthetic quality, irrespective of other factors  瓷器
such as academic importance, rarity or provenance. Nevertheless,          御器廠創建於洪武時期(1368-1398),但因元末戰亂,貿易
the collection has come to include many items with significant            受阻,景德鎮難以取得中東進口的上好鈷料。也正如此,洪武
provenances that are rare and important as well as beautiful. The         一朝與明清其他各朝不同,其釉下彩瓷生產之大宗並非青花瓷。
thirteen Ming items here clearly demonstrate this.                        此時御瓷的彩料主要為銅,以其在釉下作著色劑,於特定的條

The Ming imperial kilns were established at Jingdezhen in the
Hongwu period (1368–1398), but following the disruption
of international trade at the fall of the Mongol Yuan dynasty,
high-grade Middle-Eastern cobalt had ceased to be available to
Jingdezhen. As a result of this, the Hongwu reign is unique in the
Ming and Qing dynasties as the only one in which cobalt blue
was not the major type of underglaze decoration. In this period

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