Page 15 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 15

Lot 8001                                                                          Lot 8003
    拍品 8001                                                                           拍品 8003

    the chief colorant on imperial porcelain was copper. Copper produces a red        需要高溫還原燄氣氛燒成,否則呈色泛灰趨黃、或
    colour when fired under the glaze in the right conditions, but it is far more     暈散模糊。拍品 8001 號的明洪武釉裏紅纏枝花卉
    difficult to control than cobalt and requires a strict reducing (de-oxidising)    菱口盞托即為一件釉裏紅成功之作,其上以扁圓菊
    atmosphere in the kiln. The colour all too easily becomes brown, grey or          花作主要紋飾,時代風格特色極為明顯。
    blurred. The cup stand (lot 8001) is an example of a successful firing of
    underglaze red decoration. The design is clear and the colour is evenly red.      宣德(1426-1435)以前,浙江龍泉窯亦為明代宮
    The oval chrysanthemum flowers that constitute the main design are major          廷燒製青瓷。一件龍泉青釉刻牡丹紋大花盆(拍品
    characteristics of the Hongwu period.                                             8003 號),全器外壁滿飾凸雕牡丹,此乃明初御
    Up until the Xuande reign (1426–1435), the Ming court also ordered celadon        高浮雕紋樣凸出器表,使釉色出現濃淡深淺的層次
    wares from the Longquan kilns of Zhejiang province.The massive jardinière (lot    變化。
    8003), decorated with dense peony in high relief, is one of the largest known
    examples of this early Ming imperial celadon type and is one of the rarest        永樂(1403-1424)一朝,風起雲湧,此時各式御
    forms. The exceptionally strong high relief of the decoration creates variety in  製器物,無論質量種類,皆反映此一盛世風華。景
    the depth and tone of the glaze.                                                  德鎮御窯瓷器受外來新穎器物影響,猶以伊斯蘭風
                                                                                      格至為突出。拍品 8002 號的明永樂青花纏枝四季
    The Yongle reign (1403–1424) was one of the most dynamic periods in               花卉紋折沿洗即為一例。其器型獨特,於中國前所
    the history of China and this is clearly reflected in the quality and diversity   未見,當為十三世紀後期從埃及及敘利亞一帶的金
    of the art works, in different media, produced to imperial order. New and         屬器及玻璃器演變而來。據傳這類瓷器是鄭和第四
    exotic foreign influences appeared on imperial porcelain at Jingdezhen,           次及其後數次下西洋(1413-1433)為前往中東所
    especially those of Islam, of which the blue and white basin (lot 8002) is a      作。土耳其托普卡帕宮所藏一件同類造型的相似器 1
    clear example. Its distinctive form, previously unknown in China, was made        即可能因此流入中東。而這類瓷器似乎同樣受到宮
    in metal and glass in Egypt and Syria from about the 13th century onwards.        廷許可,有些甚至還傳承中國,今北京故宮博物院 2
    It is believed that such Islamic forms were first made in porcelain in order be   及台北國立故宮博物院 3 均見有類似藏品。
    sent to the Middle East on the fourth and subsequent voyages (1414–1433)
    of Admiral Zheng He. An example of the form now at the Topkapi Saray              十五世紀早期開始研發多種新式釉色,黃釉即其中之
    Museum, Istanbul, Turkey1 probably reached the Middle East in that way.
    However the type also appears to have met with imperial approval, as some
    examples were retained in China, including those now at the Palace Museum,

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