Page 18 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 18

Lot 8004                                                                             Lot 8005
拍品 8004                                                                              拍品 8005

phoenixes (lot 8008) is an example.The gourd form is auspicious; it symbolizes       為流行,但造型較為扁平。萬曆器型較豐滿,存世
proliferation in plants and in human life, such as having many children and          極為少見。北京故宮博物院 7、天津博物館 8 均有類
more grandchildren. When gourd-shaped wall vases were again popular at               似之鳳紋壁瓶,但只上半部所繪之雲鳳紋相同,下
court in the eighteenth century, they were typically flatter in form. This more      半的圖案則各有異。
voluminous Wanli type has survived in far fewer numbers.The Palace Museum,
Beijing7, and the Tianjin Museum8 both have examples with similar phoenixes          漆器
on the upper part, but with differences in the decoration on the other parts.
LACQUER                                                                              於高峰。宮廷御用監所造之剔紅漆器在永、宣年間
For lacquer, as with other media, the Yongle period was climactic.The imperial       更趨立體,且不比其他時期遜色。拍品 8009 號的
workshops excelled in the production of carved cinnabar-red lacquer in this          明永樂剔紅牡丹紋蓋盒即為佳例。蓋面刻飾牡丹三
and the following Xuande reign. Such early Ming lacquer has a fluency and            朵,每朵牡丹皆以不同角度呈現,重重花瓣優雅綻
a three-dimensional quality that compares very favourably with other periods.        放,葉片茂密葱鬱。盒側亦刻飾蓮花、菊花及山茶
The box and cover (lot 8009) is a fine example. It is carved with tree peony         花等植物。層疊交錯的紅漆與底色的赭漆之間,還
on the top.The blooms are shown from different angles and in different stages        有一層黑漆薄層可讓漆匠作為指標。永樂帶款瓷器
of development; the leaves are dense and lush. On the sides are other species,       不多,而合於御用標準之漆器則常帶御款。此盒底
including lotus, chrysanthemum and camellia. Between the many upper layers           部內緣即豎刻典型「大明永樂年製」針劃款。乾隆
of red and the ochre-brown background there is a thin black layer that as a          皇帝(1736-1795 年在位)亦擁有一件圖案相近之
‘guideline’ to the carver. Whereas only a minute proportion of Yongle imperial       牡丹漆盒,因此盒為其珍重,乾隆遂於一七八二年
porcelain was written with a reign mark, lacquer that met the imperial standard      在盒內題詩一首,此盒現正藏於台北國立故宮博物
was regularly inscribed with a reign mark. On the box, the Yongle mark is            院 9。
written, typically, in small characters in a single column at the side of the base.
The Qianlong emperor (reigned 1736–1795) owned a box with very similar               拍品 8011 號的明嘉靖(1522-1566)剔犀如意雲
peony decoration. He clearly valued it and in 1782 he had an inscription added       紋六方執壺,其上所飾之如意雲紋為漆器常見之圖
to the interior of the cover. It is now at the National Palace Museum,Taipei9.       案。該器型紋樣極具特色,追本溯源當來自伊斯蘭

The Jiajing period (1522–1566) imperially-marked ewer (lot 8011) is carved
with ruyi clouds, a popular pattern in lacquer design. The highly distinctive
form is taken from Islamic metalwork. Most lacquer has a wood core, but

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