Page 19 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 19
Lot 8010 Lot 8011
拍品 8010 拍品 8011
a wood core would have made the very slender neck, spout and handle too 金屬器。漆器多為木胎,然木胎漆器用於執壺製作
vulnerable to breakage, so the ewer was made with a metal core. It appears to 時,因壺頸、壺嘴及把手過度纖細而容易毀損,為
be unique in red lacquer. One other ewer of similar form is recorded, with a 避此險,遂以金屬製胎。此剔紅執壺似乎為孤品。
variant ruyi cloud pattern10, but it is in black lacquer and has no reign mark. 除此之外,還有一類似之如意雲紋執壺曾被記載 10,
The red chrysanthemum-form dish (lot 8007) is another product of the
imperial lacquer workshops of the Jiajing period. It is decorated with a five- 拍品 8007 號的明嘉靖御製戧金填漆牡丹龍紋菊瓣
clawed dragon pursuing a sacred pearl and with a hibiscus branch. Here the 盤為宮中御用監所造的另一作品。可見盤心飾一折
decoration is in two techniques, firstly the qiangjin technique in which the 枝木槿,四周繞有趕珠雲龍。此盤運用戧金及填漆
outlines are incised and gilt, secondly in the tianqi technique in which areas 手法:戧金處予以陰紋勾勒線路,並在其內填金;
within the outlines are painted in different colours from the background. The 填漆則於器面刻出陰線花紋,再以彩漆填入磨平。
reign mark on the base is in the qiangjin technique. The Palace Museums in 此盤盤底帶有刀刻戧金款,北京故宮博物院 11 及台
Beijing11 and Taipei12 both have similar dishes. 北國立故宮博物院 12 均有同類藏品。
CONCLUSION 我相信,是次上拍之明代瓷器漆器,是藏家們網羅
I believe the Ming porcelain and lacquer offered here will allow collectors to 新藏者能如樂從堂主人般,亦能不吝公諸同好,以
add highly significant items to their collections. I hope they will have the same 饗諸君。此處珍品件件皆有資格入藏於重要館藏,
enthusiasm for them as the Master of the Le Cong Tang collection. I hope too 值得愛好藝術者觀摩賞鑑。
that future collectors will be willing, as he has, to lend them to exhibitions.The
imperial porcelain and lacquer is up to the standards of any major museum and
deserves to be seen and enjoyed by the public.
史彬士先生於 1969 年加入倫敦佳士得,至 1971 年
Mr James Spencer first joined Christie’s London in 1969 and was transferred to 加入中國藝術品部,進而在 1979 年擔任該部門總
the Chinese department in 1971 where he became a director in 1979. He set 監,並於 1983 年替佳士得成立香港分公司。1987
up the Christie’s Hong Kong office in 1983. In 1987, Mr Spencer left Christie’s 年, 他 離 開 佳 士 得 加 入 鴻 禧 美 術 館 任 館 長 一 職 至
to join the Chang Foundation Museum of Art, Taipei, where he remained a 2017 年 2 月退休,現為鴻禧美術館顧問。
curator until his retirement in February 2017. At present he is a consultant to
the Chang Foundation.