Page 16 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 16

Lot 8002
拍品 8002

Beijing2 and the National Palace Museum,Taipei3.                                   一。明黃為帝王用色,此例於瓷器織品尤為顯著,拍
                                                                                   品 8012 號的明宣德(1426-1435)黃釉仰鐘式盌
New glazes were developed in the early fifteenth century, including the            即為黃釉名器。如此器般所結合之造型、釉色,實為
imperial yellow glaze.                                                             罕稀至極。今僅知一近似例於台北國立故宮博物院 4。

The use of the imperial yellow colour on any material was restricted to the        另 一 珍 罕 之 作 為 一 明 成 化 琺 華 釉 蓮 池 紋 梅 瓶( 拍
emperor. This restriction was especially relevant to textiles and porcelain. The   品 8004 號)。「琺華」彩即製作之時於陶胎表
Xuande period (1426–1435) inverted bell-shaped bowl (lot 8012) has such an         面採用立彩方式勾勒紋飾凸線,此種工藝早於元代
imperial yellow glaze. It is a very rare combination of form and colour. The       (1280-1368)已在山西一帶的陶器上出現,直至
National Palace Museum,Taipei, appears to have the only similar example4.          十五世紀才在景德鎮瓷器有更成熟的技藝發展。正
Another rarity is the fahua vase, meiping, decorated with lotus (lot 8004). The    造月下觀花之境。其器型紋飾雖非罕物,但如今只
special characteristics of fahua decoration are dark background colours and        有巴黎吉美博物館的一件館藏 5 與本品之器型紋飾
relief outlines in trailed slip. The fahua scheme appeared on pottery in Shanxi    相對應。
province in the Yuan period (1280–1368) and was developed to a higher
technical level on porcelain at Jingdezhen in the fifteenth century. The meiping   「五彩」即五色,其至嘉靖年間(1522-1566)發
is one of the best examples of the latter genre. On it the white lotuses and       展已臻成熟。透過釉下青花及釉上黃彩、礬紅、綠
waves contrast beautifully with the dark purplish-blue background as if they       彩及黑色輪廓線的結合,呈現濃重豔麗的畫面。御
are seen in moonlight. There are other examples of fahua with various similar      製各式五彩瓷中,以一件明嘉靖五彩魚藻紋蓋罐(拍
forms and subjects, but the Musée Guimet, Paris, appears to have the only          品 8006 號)為其中翹楚,其製作難度之高,體積
other vase with this combination of form and design5.                              之大,可見一斑。嘉靖崇信道教,更追求「言必有
The Chinese term wucai means ‘five colours.’ On porcelain the vivid wucai          共繪八魚,八為吉數,故蓋上亦飾八寶。此類魚罐
colour scheme reached maturity in the Jiajing reign (1522–1566) when the           今存世仍保有原蓋者實為寥若晨星,現有其中數件
overglaze colours, yellow, iron-red and green, with black outlines, were used in   為中國、日本、法國及美國博物館館藏,而本罐則
combination with underglaze blue. Among the various forms and sizes of wucai       為其中至精之作。早年曾屬移居香港的上海藏家—
porcelain made for the court, the jar and cover (lot 8006) represents the largest
and most ambitious type.The Jiajing emperor was an ardent Daoist with a keen
desire for auspicious symbolism. Fish symbolize surplus and wealth. On the
jar there are eight fish, an auspicious number. The cover also has the bajixiang

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