Page 17 - Le Cong Tang Collection HK Nov 27 2017
P. 17
Lot 8012
拍品 8012
(eight precious emblems). A small number of such jars have survived with their 胡惠春舊藏。2000 年更締造中國古董拍賣歷史新
original covers, including examples in museums in China, Japan, France and 高 6,為當時世界中國瓷器最高之成交紀錄。
the U.S.A.This example, one of the finest, was formerly in the collection of J.M.
Hu in Shanghai. Later, it made art market history in 2000 when it was sold at 嬰戲圖素為宋畫常見之題材,藉孩童嬉戲玩耍、畫
auction6 for a then world record price for Chinese porcelain. 面熱鬧以取太平盛世之象。其童真童趣、無憂無慮,
‘Children at play’ is a subject often depicted in paintings from the Song dynasty 品 8005 號)上畫有八名童子,其各持玩具桃枝,
onwards. It suggests a peaceful world in which children can play happily and 或騎竹馬、或散置佛塔。嬰戲題材常見於嘉靖之青
safely and was one of the auspicious subjects favoured by the Jiajing emperor. 花瓷器。然此器卻以青花五彩繪飾,更有茄紫釉色
On the jar (lot 8005) eight boys are at play with various toys, including a 點綴其中。至於同一時期之黃地紅彩雲龍紋罐(拍
hobby horse and a model pagoda. The subject is more commonly found on 品 8010 號),只見有代表冷、暖二色的紅、黃彩釉。
blue and white porcelain in this period, but here it is painted in the richer 先著以代表帝皇之色的黃色,再以黑線勾勒輪廓,
wucai palette, including the aubergine-purple colour. On the dragon jar of 後填紅地形成黃龍騰躍雲間的色彩反差,而如此強
the same period (lot 8010) only the ‘hot’ and ‘warm’ colours, red and yellow, 烈的火紅色調正是嘉靖御瓷的特色之一。
were employed. The result appears as yellow dragons on a red background. In
fact the exterior of the jar was first covered in an imperial yellow glaze and 青花瓷在明代幾乎作為生產主流,然而鈷料質量在此
fired, then the design was outlined in black lines and the background was 期間卻極為參差,此亦與中東地區對優質鈷料的供應
painted red.This fiery colour scheme is one of the distinctive features of Jiajing 息息相關。萬曆青花於鈷藍色調上的變化可謂多姿多
imperial porcelain. 采。是次上拍的一件青花長命富貴倭角方盒(拍品
8013 號),其釉下藍調色彩著實濃豔非常,蓋上繪
Blue and white porcelain was the dominant type of imperial porcelain for most 有佛手柑般之奇石,並以折枝牡丹菊花圍繞旁邊。
of the Ming dynasty, but the quality of the cobalt blue colour varied greatly
and was dependent in part on the availability of high quality cobalt from the 與 此 同 時, 某 些 特 製 器 型 則 由 朝 廷 下 旨 燒 造, 此
Middle East. The Wanli reign (1573–1619) exemplifies this wide variation. The 包 括 拍 品 中 一 件 萬 曆 五 彩 鳳 紋 葫 蘆 形 壁 瓶( 拍 品
square box and cover (lot 8013) demonstrates Wanli underglaze blue at its 8008 號),葫蘆已喻福錄,更象徵多子多孫、繁
bluest and best. It is painted with peony and chrysanthemum branches around 衍不息、長久不絕。此類葫蘆形壁瓶於十八世紀頗
a strange elegant rock resembling a finger citron.
In the same period certain distinctive forms were made to imperial order,
including the gourd-shaped wall vase, of which the wucai example, painted with