Page 101 - Japnese Art Netsuke, Okimono, Lempertz June 2, 2019
P. 101

473                   474                         475

        473	 A stag antler kiseruzutsu.     474	 A stag antler kiseruzustu.    475	 Two stag antler kiseruzutsu.
            19th century                        19th century                   19th century

            Of otoshi-zutsu type, carved with    Of otoshi-zutsu type, carved   a) Of otoshi-zutsu type, carved in relief
            a peasant protecting himself in a    with a vase with pomegranate   with a descending dragon fish, its tail
            thunderstorm while Raiden, the      branches and reishi on a Chine-  fin forming the himotôshi, signed
            god of thunder above him beats his    se stool, symbols for a long life.    Rosetsu, and b) of musô-zutsu type,
            drums and sends down thunderbolts.   Length 20.4 cm                carved in sunken relief with a writhing
            A swirl of cloud forms the himotôshi.                              dragon clutching a tama, signed Senzan
            Signed Rakumin to the reverse.      Provenance                     in seal form. (2)
            Length 17.6 cm                      Kolodotschko Collection        Length a) 20.7 cm; b) 22.2 cm
                                                € 300	–	500
            Provenance                                                         Provenance
            Kolodotschko Collection                                            b) Sold at Klefisch, Cologne, 2006
                                                                               Collection E.A. Wrangham (1928–2009),
            € 800	–	1.000                                                      collection no. 2235, sold at Bonhams,
                                                                               London, 15.5.2012, lot 154
                                                                               Kolodotschko Collection, acquired at
                                                                               the above auction
                                                                               € 700	–	900

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