Page 103 - Japnese Art Netsuke, Okimono, Lempertz June 2, 2019
P. 103
479 480
479 A kiri-wood tonkotsu. Second half 19th century 480 A three-case inrô. Late 18th century
Displaying a large figure of the wind god Futen in high Displaying pinks (nadeshiko) by a trellis, in takamaki-e and
relief takamaki-e and mother-of-pearl striding through silvery lacquer, the flowers and poles inlaid in aogai and
clouds, on the reverse Raiden’s drums and drumsticks. greyish metal, all on a nashiji ground. Black lacquer and
Height 8.2 cm; width 10.8 cm fundame to the inside. Signed Tôyô with kaô. Fruit kernel
ojime and modern wood netsuke of a frog on a mushroom,
€ 300 – 500 signed.
Height 6.3 cm; width 6.9 cm
€ 1.000 – 1.400
481 A fine bamboo and metal pipe (kiseru). Late 19th century
The tube (rau) of bamboo with cloud scrolls, the mouth
piece and bowl of shibuichi and gilt, both engraved with
pine trees and clumps of slender needles, signed Mitsuharu
and kaô.
Length 19.7 cm
€ 200 – 300