Page 106 - Japnese Art Netsuke, Okimono, Lempertz June 2, 2019
P. 106
487 A four-case inrô. 19th century
Displaying an octopus and a bonito on one side and tai Provenance
and tobiuo on the other side, in iro-e togidashi on a shibui- Collection E.A. Wrangham O.B.E. (1928–2009),
chi-coloured ground. In the manner of Shiomi Masanari. Northumberland, Great Britain, Eskenazi, London, 1974
The cord holes lined with shakudô. Nashiji and fundame Klefisch, Cologne, 23.5.1975, lot 638
to the inside.
Height 6.7 cm; width 5.5 cm Literature
Published in: Eskenazi, Japanese inro from the collection
of E A Wrangham, London 1974, cat. no. 54
€ 2.200 – 2.400