Page 24 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 24

The Appreciation of Cizhou Ceramics in Japan

                 Masahiko Kuze, Associate, Asian Art

                 The town of Julu 鉅鹿, located in Southern Hebei province, was   year of Hoei 宝永 (1706) made by Ogata Kenzan 尾形乾山 (1663 -
                 buried under mud fows caused by the fooding of the Yellow River   1743), a prestigious potter in the Edo period, looks similar to Yuan-
                 in the 2nd year of Daguan 大観 (1108) in the Northern Song dynasty,   dynasty Cizhou iron-painted ware. However, he himself inscribed
                 under the reign of the 8th emperor Hui Zong 徽宗. In 1920, over   on the basin that “I made this after a rare Joseon Kingdom piece.” In
                 eight hundred years after the food, the town emerged again amidst   Japanese tea ceremony circles, white slip bowls with plum blossom
                 the effort of locals digging a well during a long-lasting drought in the   pattern made in Cizhou kilns during the Ming dynasty are also
                 area. They may not have found water, but they did fnd white slip-  known as Egorai. 2
                 applied ceramic wares which would eventually stimulate the curiosity
                                                                     It is not until the late 1920s, after the discovery of Julu, that the
                 of antique dealers in Beijing and their clients, such as literati and   notion of “Song ceramics” was widely known amongst the public,
                 foreigners. The discovery of Julu also created a huge sensation among
                                                                     let alone Cizhou ceramics. An exhibition, “Soji” 宋瓷, held by a
                 connoisseurs in Japan. Since then, Cizhou wares have been popular            -
                                                                     community of connoisseurs called Towakai 陶話會 with the help
                 in Japan and are known as “Kyoroku”, the Japanese pronunciation of
                                                                     of the founder of Kochukyo 壺中居, Hirota Matsushige 廣田松繁,
                 Julu. This term is primarily used for plain white wares.
                                                                     known as Fukosai 不孤斎, introduced a different style of Chinese
                 Throughout the long history of ceramic production in China, there   ceramics, which was new to the eyes of the people in Japan.  The
                 have been numerous different styles, and thus the types of wares in   exhibition took place on the upper foor of Nihonbashi Mitsukoshi
                 one collection may be different than those in another collection,   Department store 日本橋三越 and displayed fne examples of Song
                 often refecting the taste of a particular culture or country. In Japan,   ceramics newly excavated at that time. The 45 day exhibition was
                 with its geographic and cultural proximity to China, a vast number   very well received, and was attended by Princes Chichibu 秩父宮
                 of Chinese ceramics have been imported through the centuries.   and Takamatsu 高松宮.  The general public, who only thought of
                 This began in the 13th century with the introduction into Japan   Chinese ceramics in the context of the tea ceremony, were both
                 of Zen (Chan) 禅 Buddhism and the custom of drinking tea. The   shocked and impressed by the pieces displayed in the exhibition.
                 Japanese tea ceremony became the medium that enhanced the value   The exhibition catalogue Towakai Soji Tenkan zufu (Song Ceramics,
                 of Chinese ceramics and turned them into a widely regarded status   Towakai exhibition catalogue) 宋瓷 陶話會宋瓷展觀圖譜 (fgs. 1
                 symbol. Certain types of Chinese ceramics such as Longquan kinuta   and 2), published in 1929, shows 59 pieces collected by important
                 砧 celadons, bowls from the Jian kiln, iron-red-enameled and gold-  collectors such as Sorimachi Shigesaku 反町茂作, Kurahashi Tojiro 倉
                 decorated kinrande 金襴手-style wares, and blue and white porcelain   橋藤治郎, Yokogawa Tamisuke 横河民輔, Hosokawa Moritatsu 細川
                 from Jingdezhen made specifcally for the Japanese market, so-called   護立, as well as painters like Yokoyama Taikan 横山大観, Hiroshima
                 kosometsuke 古染付, were in high demand for the tea ceremony.   Koho 廣島晃甫 and Yasuda Yukihiko 安田靱彦. Surprisingly, out of
                 However, it was not until the early 20th century with the discovery   the 59 pieces in the exhibition, 47 were of Cizhou type, refecting
                 of the Cizhou kiln in Julu that Japanese connoisseurs came to   the early enthusiasm of the collectors.
                 appreciate Cizhou ceramics. People in Japan have traditionally
                                                                     A successful businessman and collector, Kurahashi Tojiro 倉橋藤治
                 favored Chinese ceramics and have simply termed them “Karamono”  郎, stated in his 1932 publication, Tokizuroku Kyorokushutsudoto 陶
                 唐物, literally translated “artifacts from Tang dynasty, China”,
                                                                     器図録 鉅鹿出土陶, that the pieces excavated from Julu are precious
                 regardless of what period of time a piece was produced.
                                                                     and extraordinary as they were found from the very site where
                 The term Karamono is used for those Chinese artifacts used in the
                                                                     they had been used in the everyday life of the people who lived
                 Japanese tea ceremony. In fact, Cizhou shards were found in Japan,   there before the food. He also emphasized that the town was lost
                 such as the sgraffato type from Toba Rikyu 鳥羽離宮, an excavation
                                                                     to the food under the rule of the Emperor Huizong whose reign
                 site in Kyoto, which is the remains of the palace of the retired
                 emperors from the 12th-14th centuries.  However, their number   has been regarded by the Japanese as the culmination of art and
                                                                     culture in Chinese history.  “Higashiyamagomotsu” 東山御物, the
                 is very few and the perception of them at the time is somewhat   collection formed by the eighth shogun of Muromachi Bakufu 室
                 different from the one we have today.
                                                                     町幕府, Ashikaga Yoshimasa 足利義政, includes some paintings
                 Until the discovery of Julu, pieces produced in Cizhou kilns were   attributed to the Emperor Huizong and they are all registered today
                 referred to as Egorai 絵高麗 which literally means “painted Goryeo”,   as National Treasures. These remarks by Kurahashi seem to explain
                 and generally referred to a group of ceramics applied with white slip   the background in which Cizhou pieces have been appreciated by
                 and iron painting and produced on the Korean peninsula. Because of   the Japanese. This is exemplifed by the fact that Ido tea bowls 井戸
                 stylistic similarities, the Japanese thought they were made in Korea,   茶碗, which are everyday wares originally used in Korea, have been
                 a perception reinforced by the fact that pieces made in Northern   highly treasured among tea practitioners. Elements such as anonymity,
                 China were sometimes excavated from tombs in Korea and brought   everydayness, unintentionality and austerity can be major criteria of
                 to Japan. An iron-painted chrysanthemum basin dated to the third   beauty in Japan. Many pieces manufactured in Cizhou kilns have

          22     Masterpieces of Cizhou Ware: The Linyushanren Collection, Part IV     磁州窯集珍:古韻天成-臨宇山人珍藏(四)
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