Page 25 - Sotheby's New York Linyushanren Part IV Auction September 13, 2018
P. 25

Fig. 1. Cover of the exhibition catalogue Towakai Soji Tenkan zufu, 1929  Fig. 2. Lot 809 in the present sale, as illustrated in Towakai Soji Tenkan zufu, 1929
                                   圖一   1929年版《陶話会宋瓷展観図譜》封面。                      圖二   拍品809號在1929年版《陶話会宋瓷展観図譜》中的著錄。

                      such aesthetic elements. The leading propagator of the folk-craft   When Cizhou ceramics appeared in the Japanese antique market in
                      movement, known as Mingei 民藝, Yanagi Muneyoshi 柳宗悦,   the 1920s they created a sensation and renewed the Japanese interest
                      describes the beauty hidden in hand-made domestic wares:  in Chinese ceramics, generating an antiques boom. Since then,
                                                                          Cizhou ceramics continue to fascinate connoisseurs, who admire the
                      Since the life of a ware is its use, when a ware accomplishes this, its beauty is
                                                                          cultural heyday of the Northern Song dynasty. The large proportion
                      enhanced. Worn pieces are even more beautiful, aren’t they? ......Displaying   of Cizhou wares in the Linyushanren Collection is a refection of the
                      them is to praise their long-ago use. We fnd in their beauty a history of their   fascination with Chinese ceramics in Japan.
                      service and accumulation of accomplished use throughout their life. When we
                      talk about their beauty, we talk about their life. 6

                      1   Hasebe Gakuji, Imai Atsushi, Chugoku no Toji, vol.12, Nihon Shutsudo no Chugoku Toji (Chinese Ceramics, vol.12, Chinese ceramics excavated in Japan) 1995, Heibonsha, Tokyo,
                       p. 108.
                      2  Yabe Yoshiaki ed., Nihon Toji Daijiten (The Encyclopedia of Japanese Ceramics), 2002, Kasokawa Shoten, Tokyo, p. 166.
                      3   Kushi Takuma, Wagakuni niokeru Souji no Shushu, Sekai Toji Zenshu vol.10 (Collection of Song ceramics in Japan, Ceramic Art of The World, vol.10) 1954, Kawade Shobo,
                       Tokyo, p. 271.
                        Hirota Fukkosai, Aruita Michi (The way I walked), 1952, Kyuryudo, Tokyo, p. 218-219.
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                      5  Kurahashi Tojiro, Toki Zuroku, Kyorokushutsudoto (Ceramics catalogue, Ceramics wares excavated from Julu), 1932, Koseikai Shuppanbu, Tokyo, p. 3.
                      6  Yanagi Muneyoshi, Mingei toha Nanika, (What is Mingei?) 1941, Showa Shuppan, p. 70 (2006, Kodansha Gakujutsu Bunko edition).
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