Page 499 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 499

List of colorplates

Objects are listed in catalogue order.

JADE                                                                                                                                    BRONZE

i. Ornament in the shape of       7. Blade (zhang)                  13. Ornamental plaque with        19. Vessel (Han or zun) with      21. Vessel (jue)
hooked clouds                     Xia or Shang period               interlacery and animal mask       design of deities, animals,
with central bird motif           (ca. 2200-ca. 1100 bce)           designs                           and masks                         Xia period (ca. 2100-
Neolithic period, Hongshan        Nephrite jade; 1. 37 x w. 11.2 x  Eastern Zhou, Spring and          Western Jin dynasty               ca. 1600 bce)
CULTURE                                                             Autumn period (770-476 bce)       (265-316)                         Bronze; I1.11.7x w. 14. 1 on
(ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)           d. 0.6 cm                                                                                             Shanghai Museum
Nephrite jade; 1. 22.4 X          Palace Museum, Beijing            Nephrite jade; h. 7.1 cm          Nephrite jade; h. 10.5 cm
w. 11. 5 x d. 0.5 cm                                                                                                                    22. Square cauldron
Unearthed in 1979 at              8. Blade (zhang)                  Unearthed in 1987 at Xiasi,       Unearthed in 1991 from the        (fang ding) with thread-relief
                                  Shang period (ca. 1600—           Xichuan county,                   tomb of Liu Hong,                 frieze of animal masks, and
Sanguandianzi, Lingyuan city,     ca. 1100 bce)                     Henan Province                    Huangshantou, Anxiang             nipple pattern
Liaoning Province                 Nephrite jade; 1. 68 x            Henan Provincial Institute of     county, Hunan Province            Shang period (ca. 1600-
Liaoning Provincial Museum,                                         Archaeology and Cultural          Administrative Office for         ca. 1100 bce)
Shenyang                          w. 10.8 cm                        Relics, Zhengzhou                 Cultural Relics, Anxiang
                                                                                                      County, Hunan Province            Bronze; h. 82 x w. 50 cm
2. Ornament in the shape of       Unearthed in 1986 from            14. A pair of dragon-shaped
                                  Sanxingdui pit No. 2,                                               20. Sixteen-piece belt            Unearthed in 1990 at Qian
a pig-dragon (zhulong)            Guanghan, Sichuan Province        pendants                          Tang dynasty (618-907)            village, Pinglu county,
                                  Sichuan Provincial Institute of   Eastern Zhou, Warring             Nephrite jade; 1. of pieces       Shanxi Province
Neolithic period, Hongshan        Archaeology and Cultural          States period (475-221 bce)                                         Shanxi Provincial Institute of
culture                           Relics, Chengdu                                                     3.5-5 cm                          Archaeology, Taiyuan
(ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)                                             Nephrite jade; 1. 11.4 cm
Nephrite jade; h. 15.7 x          9. Chime with design of                                             Unearthed in 1970 at Hejia        23. Square vessel (fang zun)
w. 10.4 x d. 4.3 cm                                                 Unearthed at Pingliangtai,        village, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province  with four rams
Found in Jianping county,         crouching tiger                   Huaiyang county,                  Shaanxi History Museum,           Shang period (ca. 1600-
                                  Shang period (ca. 1600-           Henan Province                    Xi'an                             ca. 1100 bce)
Liaoning Province                 ca. 1100 bce)                     Henan Provincial Institute of                                       Bronze; h. 58.3 cm, w. of
                                                                    Archaeology and Cultural
Liaoning Provincial Museum,       Stone; 1. 84 x w. 42 x d. 2.5 cm  Relics, Zhengzhou                                                   mouth 52.4 cm
Shenyang                          Unearthed in 1950 at Wuguan
                                  village, Anyang, Henan            15. Ring (huan) with abstract                                       Found in 1938 atYueshanpu,
3. Prismatic tube (cong)                                                                                                                Ningxiang, Hunan Province
Neolithic period, Liangzhu        Province                          designs                                                             National Museum of Chinese
(ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)           National Museum of Chinese        Eastern Zhou, Warring                                               History, Beijing
Nephrite jade; h. 8.8 x                                             States period (475-221 bce)
                                  History, Beijing                  Nephrite jade; diam. 10.6 cm                                        24. Vessel (zun) in the
max. width 17.6 cm                                                  Unearthed in 1991 at                                                shape of a bird, inscribed
                                  10. Four figures; (1) bird        Xujialing, Xichuan county,
Unearthed in 1986 from            with ram's horns                  Henan Province                                                      "Fu Hao"
Fanshan tomb No. i2,Yuhang,                                         Henan Provincial Institute of                                       (one of an identical pair)
Zhejiang Province                 (2) kneeling human (3) bird       Archaeology and Cultural                                            Shang period (ca. 1600-
Zhejiang Provincial Institute of  (4) bird-headed human             Relics, Zhengzhou
Cultural Relics and               Shang period                                                                                          ca. 1 100 bce)
Archaeology, Hangzhou                                               16. Disk (bi) with grain
                                  (ca. 1600-ca. 1100 bce)           pattern                                                             Bronze; h. 45.9 cm
4. Prismatic tube (cong)
Neolithic period, Liangzhu        Nephrite jade; (1) h. 4.9 cm      Western Han dynasty                                                 Unearthed in 1976 from Fu
culture                           (2) h. 5.6 cm (3) h. 10 cm                                                                            Hao tomb No. 5, Anyang,
(ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)           (4) h. 9.8 cm                     (206 bce-8 ce)                                                      Henan Province
                                                                    Nephrite jade; diam. 18.9 cm,
Nephrite jade; h. 5 x max.        Unearthed in 1976 from Fu                                                                             National Museum of Chinese
width 7.4 cm                      Hao tomb No. 5, Anyang,           depth 0.9 cm
Unearthed in 1982 from            Henan Province                                                                                        History, Beijing
Fuquanshan tomb No. 9,            Henan Provincial Museum,          Unearthed in Zhouzhi county,
Qingpu county, Shanghai           Zhengzhou                         Shaanxi Province                                                    25. Vessel (zun) in the shape
Shanghai Museum                                                     Shaanxi History Museum.                                             of an elephant
                                  1 1 Dagger-ax (ge) with           Xi'an                                                               (one of an identical pair)
5. Prismatic tube (cong)          grooved blade                                                                                         Shang period (ca. 1600-
Neolithic period, Liangzhu                                          17. Winged horse                                                    ca. 1100 bce)
culture                           Western Zhou period               Han dynasty
(ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)                                                                                                                 Bronze; h. 26.5 x 1. 22. S cm
Nephrite jade; h. 29.7 x          (ca. 1100-771 bce)                (206 BCE-220 ce)                                                    Found in 19-5 at Shixingshan,
                                  Nephrite jade; 1. 25.4 x          Nephrite jade; h. 4.2 x 1. 7.8 x
max. width 6.1 cm                                                                                                                       Liling, 1 lunan Province
                                  w. 6. 1 cm                        w. 2.6 cm
Unearthed in 1982 in Wujin                                          Palace Museum, Beijing                                              Hunan Provincial Museum.
county, Jiangsu Province          Unearthed in 1983 at East                                                                             Changsha
                                  Sidnoxiang, Xi'an,                in Chimera (bixie)
Nanjing Museum                    Shaanxi Province                  Han dynasty                                                          : Vessel ( poll), inscribed
                                  Shaanxi History Museum,           (206 BCE-220 ce)                                                    Shang pi riod ca moo-
(>. Knife (dao) with              Xi'an                             Nephrite jade; 1. 13.5 x
semihuman mask motifs                                               w. 8.5 cm                                                           ca. 1 100 i 1
Neolithic period, Longshan        12. Fourteen-piece burial         I'.il.h e Museum. Beijing
culture                           mask                                                                                                  Bronze; h. 37.7 cm
(ca. 3000-ca. 1700 bce)                                                                                                                 Found in 1970 ai Huangcai
Nephrite jade; 1. 23.7 x          Western Zhou period
                                                                                                                                        village. Ningxiang county,
w. 7.7 cm                         (ca. 1100-771 bce)                                                                                    Hunan Province
Shanghai Museum                   Nephrite jade; max. width                                                                             Hunan Provincial Museum,
                                  10.7 cm
                                  Unearthed in 1990 troni Guo
                                  State tomb No. 2001,
                                  Sanmenxia, Henan Province
                                  Henan Provincial Institute of

                                  Archaeology and Cultural
                                  Relics, Zhengzhou

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