Page 501 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 501


                                  LACQUER                                                         TEXTILES

59. Rearing dragon                66. Vessel based on bronze hu   72. Reliquary with Buddhist     76. Potpourri bag                  83. Garden rocks with
Tang dynasty (618-907)                                            figures                                                            chrysanthemum, high
Gilt bronze and iron; h. 34 x     vessel                          Northern Song dynasty           Western Han dynasty                mallow, and begonia, after a
                                                                  (960—1127) .                                                       painting by Cui Bai
1. 28 cm                          Western Han dynasty             Wood-core lacquer with seed     (206 bce-8 ce)                     (act. ca. 1060-1085)
                                                                                                  Chain-stitch embroidery on         Southern Song dynasty
Unearthed in 1975 at              (206 bce-8 ce)                  pearls; h. 41.2 x w. 24.5 cm
Caochangpo in the southern        Wood-core lacquer; h. 57 cm,                                    cmpatterned silk; 1. 48            (1127-1279)
suburb of Xi'an, Shaanxi          diam. of mouth rS.i cm, diam.   Unearthed in 1966 at the                                           Silk tapestry (kesi); 102.5 X 43.6
Province                                                          Huiguang Pagoda site, Rui'an,   Unearthed in 1972 from
Shaanxi History Museum, Xi'an     of foot 20 cm                   Zhejiang Province               Mawangdui tomb No. 1,              cm
                                                                  Zhejiang Provincial Museum,     Changsha, Hunan Province           Liaoning Provincial Museum.
60. Six-lobed plate with          Unearthed in 1972 from          Hangzhou                        Hunan Provincial Museum,
design of mythical beast          Mawangdui tomb No. r,                                           Changsha                           Shenyang
Tang dynasty (618-907)            Changsha, Hunan Province        73. Sutra boxes with Buddhist
Silver with gilding; h. 1.2 cm,   Hunan Provincial Museum,        figures                         77. Gauze with patterns of         84. Heavenly King of the
                                  Changsha                        Northern Song dynasty           pine-bark lozenges, signifying     West
diam. 15.3 cm                                                     (960-1127)                                                         Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)
                                  67. Set of eight cups           Wood-core lacquer with seed     longevity                          Silk embroidery; 250.8 x
Unearthed in 1970 at Hejia                                        pearls; (outside box) h. 16 x
village, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province  Western Han dynasty             1. 40 x w. 18 cm, (inside box)  Western Han dynasty                247.7 cm
Shaanxi History Museum, Xi'an
                                  (206 bce-8 ce)                  cmh. 11. 5 x 1. 33.8 x w. 11    (206 bce-8 ce)                     Donated in 1949 by Mr. Fei
61. Six-lobed plate with          Wood-core lacquer; h. 12.2 cm,                                                                     Zhenshan
design of bear                                                    Unearthed in 1966 at the        Silk gauze; 1. 75 x w. 48 cm
Tang dynasty (618-907)            w. 16—19 cm                     Huiguang Pagoda site, Rui'an,                                      National Museum of Chinese
Silver with gilding; h. 1 cm,                                     Zhejiang Province               Unearthed in 1972 from
                                  Unearthed in 1972 from          Zhejiang Provincial Museum,     Mawangdui tomb No. 1,              History. Beijing
diam. 13.4 cm                     Mawangdui tomb No. 1            Hangzhou                        Changsha, Hunan Province
                                  Changsha, Hunan Province                                        Hunan Provincial Museum,           85. King of Bright Wisdom
Unearthed in 1970 at Hejia        Hunan Provincial Museum,        74. Round covered box with      Changsha                           Budong
village, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province  Changsha                                                                                           Yuan dynasty (1279—1368)
Shaanxi History Museum, Xi'an                                     aged scholar and servant        7S. Embroidered silk with          cmSilk tapestry (kesi); 90 x 56
                                  68. Rectangular box with        Dated to 1351                   designs signifying longevity       Administrative Office of Norbu
62. Plate in the shape of two     cloud designs                   Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)
peach halves with design of       Western Han dynasty             Carved lacquer on a fabric-     Western Han dynasty                Linka, Lhasa,
two foxes                         (206 bce-8 ce)                  covered wood core;
Tang dynasty (618-907)            Wood-core lacquer; h. 21 X      diam. 12. 1 cm                  (206 bce-8 ce)                     Autonomous Region ofTibet
Silver with gilding; h. 1.5 x     1. 48.5 x w. 25.5 cm            Unearthed in 1953 from the      Chain-stitch embroidery on
max. width 22.5 cm                Unearthed in 1972 from          tomb ot the Ren family,                                            S6. Sakyamuni Buddha
Unearthed in 1970 at Hejia        Mawangdui tomb No. 3,           Qingpu county, Shanghai         cmsilk tabby; I. 23 x w. 16        QlNC DYNASTY (1644-1911)
                                  Changsha, Hunan Province        Shanghai Museum
village, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province  Hunan Provincial Museum,                                        Unearthed in 1972 from                                     —
                                  Changsha                        75. Round covered box with      Mawangdui tomb No. 1,
Shaanxi History Museum, Xi'an                                                                     Changsha, Hunan Province           Silk tapestry {kesi); 1S2.7 x .6
                                  69. Round tray with scroll      figures viewing a waterfall,    Hunan Provincial Museum,
63. Censer found with figure                                      inscribed                       Changsha                           cm
of Ganesha                        designs                         MlNC DYNASTY, YONCLE MARK                                          Liaoning Provincial Museum,
Tang dynasty (618-907)                                            AND PERIOD (14O3-I424)          79. Printed silk with small
Silver with gilding; h. 41.8 cm,  Western Han dynasty             Carved lacquer on a fabric-     scroll motifs                      Shenyang
                                                                  covered wood core; h. 7.7 cm,
diam. of mouth 24.5 cm            (206 bce-8 ce)                                                  Western Han dynasty                87. Li Bai's "Evening in the
                                  Wood-core lacquer; h. 4.5 cm,   diam. of mouth 22 cm                                               Peach and Plum Garden"
Discovered in 1987 in                                             Palace Museum, Beijing          (206 bce-S ce)                     QlNG DYNASTY (1644-1911)
underground chamber of the        diam. 53.7 cm                                                   Silk tabby with printed and        Silk tapestry (kesi); 135.5 x

Famen Temple Pagoda, Fufeng       Unearthed in 1972 from                                          drawn designs; 1. 48 x w. 53 cm    70.2 cm
                                  Mawangdui tomb No. 1,                                                                              Liaoning Provincial Museum,
county, Shaanxi Province          Changsha, Hunan Province                                        Unearthed in 1972 from
                                  Hunan Provincial Museum,                                        Mawangdui tomb No. 1               Shenyang
Famen Temple Museum,              Changsha                                                        Changsha, Hunan Province
                                                                                                  Hunan Provincial Museum,
Shaanxi Province                  70. Rectangular tray with                                       Changsha
                                  scroll designs
64. Storage container with                                                                        80. Embroidered textile with
bird designs for holding          Western Han dynasty                                             cloud design
brick tea
Tang dynasty (618-907)            (206 bce-8 ce)                                                  Western Han dynasty
Silver with gilding; h. 17.8 cm,
                                  Wood-core lacquer; 1. 75.6 cm                                   (206 bce-8 ce)
diam. 16.1 cm                                                                                     Chain-stitch embroidery on
                                  Unearthed in 1972 from                                          silk tabby;!. 17 x w. [4.5 cm
Discovered in 1987 in             Mawangdui tomb No. 1,                                           Unearthed in 1972 from
underground chamber ot the        Changsha, Hunan Province                                        Mawangdui tomb No. 1,
Famen Temple Pagoda, Fufeng       Hunan Provincial Museum,                                        Changsha, Hunan Province
county, Shaanxi Province          Changsha                                                        Hunan Provincial Museum,
Famen Temple Museum,              71. Round box with painted
                                                                                                  8l. Coverlet with dragon
Shaanxi Province                  and incised designs                                             design
                                                                                                  LlAO DYNASTY (Ql6-II35)
63. Jar with design of figures    Western Han dynasty                                             Silk tapestry (to ri) with gold
in a landscape
Tang dynasty (618-907)            (206 BCE-8 CE)                                                  Cmthreads. Ii. 90 \ W, $6.$
Silver with gilding; h. 24.7 cm,  Wood-core lacquer; h. 18 cm.
diam. ofjar 12.3 cm,                                                                              Unearthed in i*j-j acYemaotai,
diam. of foot 12.6 cm             diam. 32 cm                                                     Faku county,
Discovered in 1987 in                                                                             I iaoning Province
underground chamber of the        Unearthed in 1972 trom                                          I iaoning Provincial Museum,
Famen Temple Pagoda, Fufeng       Mawangdui tomb No. 3,                                           Shenyang
county, Shaanxi Province          Changsha, Hunan Province
Famen Temple Museum,              Hunan Provincial Museum,                                        82. Zhu Kerou
Shaanxi Province                  Changsha

                                                                                                  Not mi un Song dynast*

                                                                                                  Silk tapestry (fceri), mounted as
                                                                                                  album leaf; 15.6 x 15.3 cm
                                                                                                  I iaoning Provincial Museum,

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