Page 500 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 500

27- Vessel (zun) in the shape    34. Drum (gn) with abstract     41. Rectangular vessel                                       47. Tapir bearing figure          53. Lamp in the shape of a
of a boar                                                        (fang yi), inscribed                                         holding interlace tray
Shang period (ca. 1600-          zoomorphic designs                                                                           Eastern Zhou, Warring             goose holding a fish
ca. 1100 bce)                    Shang period (ca. 1600-         Western Zhou period                                          States period (475-221 bce)
                                                                                                                              Bronze; h. 15 cm, diam. of tray   Western Han dynasty
Bronze; h. 40 X 1. 72 cm         ca. 1100 bce)                   (ca. 1 100-771 bce)
                                 Bronze; h. 75.5 cm, diam. of    Bronze; h. 38.5 x 1. of mouth                                11 cm                             (206 bce-8 ce)
Unearthed in 1981 at                                                                                                                                            Bronze with paint; h. 53.8 X
Chuanxingshan, Xiangtan          drum 39.5 cm                    20 x w. of mouth 17 cm                                       Unearthed in 1965 at
county, Hunan Province           Found in 1977 in Chongyang                                                                   Fenshuiling, Changzhi,            cm1. 31.3
Hunan Provincial Museum,                                         Unearthed in 1963 at Qijia                                   Shanxi Province
Changsha                         county, Hubei Province          village, Fufeng county,                                      Shanxi Provincial Museum,         Unearthed in 1985 at
                                 Hubei Provincial Museum,        Shaanxi Province                                             Taiyuan                           Zhaoshiba village, Pingshuo,
28. Vessel (gong) in                                             Shaanxi History Museum,                                                                        Shanxi Province
                                 Wuhan                           Xi'an                                                                                          Shanxi Provincial Museum,
zoomorphic shape                                                                                                                                                Taiyuan
Shang period (ca. 1600-          35. Two-handled vessel (gut)    42. Miniature carriage with
                                 with ox-head motifs,                                                                         48. Rectangular basin (pan)       54. Lamp with fifteen oil
ca. 1 100 bce)                                                   human guardians including                                    with turtle, fish, and            saucers in the form of a
                                 inscribed                       one-legged watchman, birds,                                  interlacing dragon designs
Bronze; h. 19 X 1. 43 x                                                                                                       Eastern Zhou, Warring             mythical tree
w. 13.4 cm                       Western Zhou period             and crouching tigers                                         States period (475-221 bce)       Eastern Zhou, Warking
Unearthed in 1959 atTaohua                                                                                                    Bronze; h. 22.5 x 1. 73.2 x       States period (475-221 bce)
                                 (ca. 1100-771 bce)              Western Zhou period
village, Shilou county,          Bronze; h. 31 cm, diam. of                                                                   w. 45.2 cm                        Bronze; h. 82.6 cm
Shared Province                                                  (ca. 1100^771 bce)                                           Palace Museum, Beijing
                                 mouth 25 cm                     Bronze; h. 9.1 X 1. 13.7 X                                                                     Unearthed in 1977 from the
Shanxi Provincial Museum,                                                                                                     49. Chariot fitting with          tomb of the king of
                                 Unearthed in 1981 from tomb     cmw. j 1 3                                                   mythical hunting scenes           Zhongshan, Pingshan county,
Taiyuan                          No. 1, Zhifangtou village,                                                                .                                    Hebei Province
                                 Baoji county, Shaanxi Province                                                               Western Han dynasty               Hebei Provincial Institute of
29. Basin (pan) with coiling     Baoji Municipal Museum          Unearthed in 1989 at                                                                           Cultural Relics, Shijiazhuang
dragon design                                                    Shangguo village, Wenxi                                      (206 bce~8 ce)
Shang period (ca. 1600-          36. Vessel (gong), inscribed    county, Shanxi Province                                      Bronze inlaid with gold, silver,  55. Spear head with hanging
ca. 1 100 bce)                                                   Shanxi Provincial Institute of                               and turquoise; h. 26.4 cm,
Bronze; h. 26 cm, diam. of       Western Zhou period             Archaeology, Taiyuan                                                                           men
                                                                                                                              diam. 3.5 cm                      Western Han dynasty
mouth 61.6 cm                    (ca. 1 100-771 bce)             43. Four-sided vessel
                                                                 (fang hit) with square base                                  Unearthed in 1965 from            (206 BCE-8 CE)
Unearthed in 1984 at             Bronze; h. 28. 7 x 1. 38 cm     and lotus-petal crown                                        Sanpanshan tomb No. 122,
Chenshan village, Wenling,                                                                                                    Ding county, Hebei Province       Bronze; h. 41.5 cm
Zhejiang Province                Unearthed in 1976 at            Eastern Zhou period                                          Hebei Provincial Institute of
Administrative Office for        Zhuangbai village, Fufeng                                                                    Cultural Relics, Shijiazhuang     Unearthed in 1956 at
Cultural Relics, Wenling         county, Shaanxi Province        (770-256 bce)                                                                                  Shizhaishan,Jmning county,
                                 Zhouyuan Museum, Xi'an          Bronze; h. 66 x                                              50. Incense burner in the         Yunnan Province
30. Mask with protruding                                                                                                      shape of a magical mountain       Yunnan Provincial Museum,
                                 37. Vessel (zun) in the shape   max. width 34 cm                                             isle of the immortals             Kunming
eyes                             of an elephant
                                                                 Unearthed in 1988 from tomb                                  Western Han dynasty               56. Buckle ornament with
Shang period (ca. 1600-          Western Zhou period             No. 25i,Jinsheng village,                                                                      dancers holding cymbals
                                                                 Taiyuan, Shanxi Province                                     (206 bce-8 ce)
ca. 1 100 bce)                   (ca. 1100^771 bce)              Shanxi Provincial Institute of                               Bronze inlaid with silver, gold,  Western Han dynasty
                                                                 Archaeology, Taiyuan                                         and turquoise; h. 26 cm, max.
Bronze; h. 65 x w. 138 cm        Bronze; h. 21 x 1. 38 cm                                                                     diam. 12.3 cm, diam. ot foot      (206 BCE-8 CE)
                                                                 44. Vessel (litt) with bird-
Unearthed in 1986 from           Unearthed in 1975 at Rujia      shaped lid                                                   9.7 cm                            cmGilt bronze; h. 12 x 1. 18.5
Sanxingdui pit No. 2,            village, Baoji county,          Eastern Zhou, Spring and
Guanghan, Sichuan Province       Shaanxi Province                                                                             Unearthed in- ;i968 from the      Unearthed in 1956 at
Sichuan Provincial Institute of                                  Autumn period (770-476 bce)                                  tomb of Prince Liu Sheng,         Shizhaishan, jinmng county,
Archaeology and Cultural         Baoji Municipal Museum          Bronze; h. 41 x w. 23.5 cm                                   Mancheng county, Hebei            Yunnan Province
Relics, Chengdu                                                                                                               Province                          Yunnan Provincial Museum,
                                 38. Covered spouted vessel      mUnearthed 1988 from tomb                                    Hebei Provincial Museum,          Kunming
31. Vessel (lei) with elephant   (he) in the shape of a                                                                       Shijiazhuang
trunk handles and                four-legged duck, inscribed     No. 25i,Jinsheng village,                                                                      57. Low offering stand with
buffalo horns                    Western Zhou period             Taiyuan, Shanxi Province                                     51. Covered vessel (lion or
                                 (ca. 1100-771 bce)              Shanxi Provincial Institute of                               zun) with mythical hunting        two bulls and pouncing tiger
Western Zhou period              Bronze; h. 26 cm                Archaeology, Taiyuan                                         scenes, inscribed and dated       Eastern Zhou, Warring
                                 Unearthed in 1980 from the                                                                   (26 CE?)                          States period (475-221 bce)
(ca. 1100-771 bce)               Ying State tomb at              45. Square-based vessel
Bronze; h. 70.2 cm, diam. of     Pingdingshan, Henan Province    (fang hit) with lotus-petal                                  Eastern Han dynasty               Bronze; h. 43 x 1. 76 cm
                                 Henan Provincial Institute of   crown and crane
mouth 22.8 cm                    Archaeology and Cultural        Eastern Zhou, Spring and                                     (25-220)                          Unearthed in 1972 from
                                 Relics, Zhengzhou                                                                            Gilt bronze; h. 24.5 cm, diam.    Lyiashan tomb No. 24,
Unearthed in 1980 at                                             Autumn period (770-476 bce)                                                                    Jiangchuan county, Yunnan
Zhuwajie, Peng county,           39. Two-handled vessel (gut),   Bronze; h. 126 X 1. of mouth                                 of mouth 23.4 cm                  Province
Sichuan Province                                                 30.5 x w. of mouth 24.9 cm                                                                     Yunnan Provincial Museum,
Sichuan Provincial Museum,       inscribed                                                                                    Unearthed in 1962 at Dachuan      Kunming
Chengdu                                                          Unearthed in 1923 at Lijialou,                               village, Youyu county, Shanxi
                                 Western Zhou period             Xinzheng county,                                             Province                          58. Man holding parasol
32. Vessel (zun), inscribed                                      Henan Province                                               Shanxi Provincial Museum,         Western Han dynasty
                                 (ca. 1100^771 bce)              Henan Provincial Museum,                                     Taiyuan
Western Zhou period                                              Zhengzhou                                                                                      (206 bce-8 ce)
                                 Bronze; h. 26.5 cm                                                                           52. Screen support in the
(ca. 1 100-771 bce)                                              46. Mythical beast                                           shape of a kneeling figure        Bronze; h. of man 55.5 cm,
Bronze; h. 38.8 cm, diam. of     Unearthed in 1986 from the      Eastern Zhou, Spring and                                     biting and holding snakes         h. of parasol no. 5 cm
                                 Ying State tomb at
mouth 28.6 cm                    Pingdingshan, Henan Province    Autumn period (770-476 bce)                                  Western Han dynasty               Unearthed in 1956 at
                                 Henan Provincial Institute ot                                                                                                  Shizhaishan, Jinning county,
Unearthed in 1963 at Jia         Archaeology and Cultural        Bronze inlaid with malachite;                                (206 BCE-8 CE)                    Yunnan Province
village, Baoji county,           Relics, Zhengzhou                                                                                                              Yunnan Provincial Museum,
Shaanxi Province                                                 h. 48 cm                                                     cmGilt bronze; h. 31.5 x 1. 15.8  Kunming
                                 40. Vessel (/in), inscribed
Baoji Municipal Museum                                           Unearthed in 1990 from                                       Unearthed in 1983 from the
                                 Western Zhou period             Xujialmg tomb No. 9,                                         tomb of the king of Nanyue,
33. Bell (bo) with four tigers                                   Xichuan county, Henan                                        Guangzhou, Guangdong
                                 (ca. 1 100-771 bce)             Province                                                     Province
Western Zhou period              Bronze; h. 65.4 cm, diam. of    Henan Provincial Institute of
                                                                 Archaeology and Cultural                                     Museum of the Tomb of the
(ca. 1 100-771 bce)              mouth 19.7 cm                   Relics, Zhengzhou                                            Nanyue King of the Western
                                                                                                                              Han Dynasty, Guangzhou
Bronze; h. 44.3 x w. 39.6 cm     Unearthed in 1976 at
Palace Museum, Beijing           Zhuangbai village, Fufeng
                                 county, Shaanxi Province
                                 Zhouyuan Museum, Xi'an

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