Page 505 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 505

CALLIGRAPHY                        PAINTING

178. Ink stone                     184. Wang Shen                     Wu193.  Wei (1459-150S)         202. Ten Bamboo Studio           211. Yuanji (Shitao; 1642-1707)
Northern Wei dynasty
(386-534)                          (ca. 1048—after 1104)              Fishermen on a Snowy River      Letter Papers                    Clear Autumn in Huaiyang
Stone; h. 8.5 x 1. 21.2 x          Misty River and Layered Hills
                                   Northern Song dynasty              Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        Published 1644 by Hu             QlNG DYNASTY    |(
w. 21 cm                           (960-1127)
                                   Handscroll, ink and color on       Hanging scroll, ink on silk;    Zhengyan (15S4-1674)             Hanging scroll, ink and color
Unearthed in 1970 near                                                                                Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
Datong, Shanxi Province            silk; 45.2 x 166 cm                245 x 156 cm                    Woodblock print book; each       on paper; 89 x 57.1 cm
Shanxi Provincial Museum,          Shanghai Museum                                                    leaf 21 x 13.6 cm
Taiyuan                                                               Hubei Provincial Museum,        Palace Museum, Beijing           Nanjing Museum
                                   185. Zhao Kui (1185— 1266)
179. Zhu Yunming (1461-1527)       In the Spirit of Poems by Du Fu    Wuhan
"The Terrace of Ode to the         Southern Song dynasty
Wind" and other poems                                                 194. Zhou Chen                  203. Album of a Hundred          212. Zou Zhe (1636-ca. 1708)
composed by Zhu Yunming,           (1 127-1279)                                                       Flowers, after paintings by      Album of Landscapes
                                   Handscroll, ink on silk; 24.7 x    (ca. 1455—after 1536)           Zhang Chaoxiang (act. 19th c.)   QlNG DYNASTY (1644—I9II)
written in wild cursive script                                        Peach Blossom Spring            QlNG DYNASTY, TONGZHI PERIOD
(kuangcao)                         212.2 cm                                                                                            Album, ink and color on paper;
Dated to 1523                      Shanghai Museum                    Dated to 1533                   (1862-1874)
                                                                                                                                       three leaves each
Ming dynasty (1368-1644)                                              Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        Woodblock print book; each
Handscroll, ink on paper;                                             Hanging scroll, ink and color                                    12.6 x 28.6 cm, remaining
24.6 x 655.6 cm                                                       cmon silk; 161. 5 x 102.5       leaf 24.2 x 16.8 cm              leaves each 12.6 x 14 cm
Palace Museum, Beijing                                                Suzhou Municipal Museum         Palace Museum, Beijing           Nanjing Museum

180. Zhang Ruitu (1570-1641)       186. Anonymous                     195-QiuYing (ca. 1495— 1552)    204. Wang Yuanqi (1642— 1715)    213. Yuan Jiang
Transcription of Wang Wei's        Snowy Landscape                    Playing the Flute by Pine and
"Song of the Aged General,"        Southern Song dynasty                                              Complete in Soul, Sufficient in  (act. ca. 1690-ca. 1746)
                                                                      Stream                                                           Garden for Gazing
written in cursive script          (1127-1279)                                                        Spirit
(caoshu)                           Handscroll, ink and light color    Ming dynasty (1368-1644)                                         QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)
                                                                      Hanging scroll, ink and color   Dated to 1708                    Handscroll, ink and light color
MlNC DYNASTY (1368-I644)           on paper; 24 x 48.2 cm             cmon silk; 116. 4 x 65.8        QlNG DYNASTY (1644-1911)         on silk; 51.5 x 254.5 cm
Handscroll, ink on silk; 29.5 x    Shanghai Museum                    Nanjing Museum                  Hanging scroll, ink on paper;    Tianjin Municipal History
629.5 cm                                                                                                                               Museum
Palace Museum, Beijing                                                                                137.2 x 71.5 cm
                                   187. Song Boren                    196. Shen Zhou (1427-1509)      Palace Museum, Beijing           214. Gao Cen
181. Wang Duo (1592-1652)          (act. mid- 13 th c.)
Transcription of Wang Wei's        Album of Plum Blossom Portraits    Eastern Villa                   Wu205.    Li (1632-1718)         (act. ca. 1645-1689)
                                                                                                                                       The Temple on Jinshan
"Enjoying a Repast at the          123S; reprint, 1261                Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        Reading "The Book of
                                                                      Album, ink and color on paper;                                   QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)
Home of Elder Zhao in              Southern Song dynasty              each leaf 28.6 X 33 cm          Changes" in a Streamside         Hanging scroll, ink and color
                                                                      Nanjing Museum                                                   on silk; 180.8 x 95.1 cm
Qizhou" and "Passing by the        (1127-1279)                                                        Pavilion                         Nanjing Museum
Herbal Garden of Master                                               197. Wen Zhengming
Hesui in Spring," written in       Woodblock print book; each                                         Dated to 1678                    215. Gao Xiang (1688-1754)
                                   leaf 23.1 x 28.6 cm                (1470-1559)                     QlNG DYNASTY (1644-1911)
standard script (kaishu)           Shanghai Museum                    Studio oj True Appreciation     Hanging scroll, ink on paper;    Finger-Snap Pavilion
Dated to 1643                                                         Dated to 1549
                                   188. Ni Zan (i306[?]-i374)                                         2 1 1. 7 x 7S.7 cm               QlNC DYNASTY (1644-I9I1)
Ming dynasty (1368-1644)                                              Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        Shanghai Museum                  Hanging scroll, ink on paper;
Handscroll, ink on satin; 21.2 x   Six Gentlemen                      Handscroll, ink and color on                                     69 x 38 cm
165.5 cm                           Dated to 1345                      paper; 36 x 107.8 cm            206. Kuncan (1612-ca. 1674)      Yangzhou Municipal Museum
Palace Museum, Beijing             Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)           Shanghai Museum                 Clear Sky over Verdant Hills
                                   Hanging scroll, ink on paper;                                      Dated to 1660                    216. Huang Shen
182. Zhang Zhao (1691— 1745)                                          198. Xu Wei (1521-1593)         QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)
Transcription of "Seventh          61.9 x 33.3 cm                                                     Hanging scroll, ink and color    (1687-after 1768)
Month" from the Odes of Bin,       Shanghai Museum                    Peonies, Banana Plant, and      on silk; S5 x 40.5 cm            Willows and Egrets
                                                                      Rock                            Nanjing Museum
written in standard script         189. Wang Meng                     Ming dynasty (136S-1644)                                         QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)
(kaishu)                                                              Hanging scroll, ink on paper;   207. Hongren (1610-1664)         Hanging scroll, ink and color
                                   (ca. 1308-1385)                                                                                     on paper; 113.7 X 57.7 cm
QlNG DYNASTY (1644-1911)           Dwelling in the Qingbian           120.6 x 58.4 cm                 Peaks and Ravines at jinqi       Shanghai Museum
Hanging scroll, ink on paper;      Mountains                          Shanghai Museum
176 x 92 cm                        Dated to 1366                                                      QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)         217. Li Shan (1686-after 1760)
Palace Museum, Beijing                                                199. Chen Hongshou              Hanging scroll, ink on paper;    Pine, Wisteria, and Peonies
                                   Yuan dynasty (1279-1368)                                           no. 6 x 58.9 cm                  Dated to 1755
183. Deng Shim (1743-1805)         Hanging scroll, ink on paper;      (1598-1652)                     Shanghai Museum                  QlNG DYNASTY (1644-IOII)
                                   140.6 x 42.2 cm                                                                                     Hanging scroll, ink and color
Couplet in seven-character         Shanghai Museum                    The Pleasures of He Tianzhang   208. Yuanji (Shitao; 1642-1707)
lines, written in clerical script                                     Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        Pure Sounds of Hills and         on paper; 238 x (l8.2 cm
                                   190. Shang Xi                                                      Streams                          Shanghai Museum
(lishu)                            (act. ca. 2nd quarter of 15th c.)  Handscroll, ink and color on
                                   The Xuande Emperor on an                                           QlNG DYNASTY (1644-I9II)         218. Jin Nong (1687—1764)
QlNG DYNASTY (1644-1911)           Outing                             silk; 25.3 x 163.2 cm           Hanging scroll, ink on paper;
Hanging scrolls, ink on gold-      Ming dynasty (1368-1644)           Suzhou Municipal Museum         102.5 x 42.4 cm                  Album oj Landscapes and
flecked paper; 130.1 x 27.6 cm     Hanging scroll, ink and color                                      Shanghai Museum
Palace Museum, Beijing             on paper; 211 x 353 cm             200. Dong Qichang                                                Figures
                                   Palace Museum. Beijing                                             209. Gong Xian (1618 1689
                                                                      (1555-1636)                     Summer Mountains after Rain      Dated to 1759
                                   191. Xie Huan (act. 1426—1452)     Poetic Feeling at Qixia         QlNG DYNAST* (1644—lOTl)         QlNG DYNASTY [644-IQIl)
                                   The Literary Gathering in the      Dated to \(->i6                 Hanging scroll, ink on ->i!k;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              ,
                                   Apricot Garden
                                   Ca. 1437                           Ming dynasty (1368-1644)        141.7 \ 57. s cm                 Album, ink and color on paper;
                                   Ming dynasty (1368-1644)           Hanging scroll, ink on paper;   Nanjing Museum
                                   Handscroll, ink and color on       133.1 x 52.5 cm                                                  each leaf 26.1 x 34.9 cm
                                                                      Shanghai Museum                                                  Shanghai Museum
                                   cmsilk; h. 37
                                   Zhcnjiang Municipal Museum         201. Ten Bamboo Studio          mh H.ul.i Sh.inren               219. Hua Yan
                                                                      Manual of Calligraphy                                            The Golden Valley Garden
                                   192. Dai Jin (1388-1462)                                           (1626-1705)
                                   Landscape in the Manner oj Yan     and Painting                                                     Dated to [73a
                                                                                                      Ducks and Lotuses                QlNC DYNASTi 1 644- 191 1
                                   1 1 engui                          Published [627-1633 by Hu                                        Hanging scroll, ink and -
                                                                                                      Dated i"                         on paper; l"S.-j \ ^4.1 Clll
                                   Mink DYNASTY (1368— 1644)          Zhengyan (1584—1674)
                                   Hanging scroll, ink on paper;                                      QlNC  DYNASm  (1644-   wu''      Shanghai Museum
                                   98.2 x 45.8 cm                     mMim. \\sn (1368 -1644]
                                   Shanghai Museum                                                                          1
                                                                      Woodblock print hook; each
                                                                      leaf 25.8 x 31 cm               Hanging scroll, ink on papei
                                                                      Palace Museum. Beijing          cmif>f> \ 76.3
                                                                                                      Shanghai Museum

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