Page 504 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 504


147. Stele with Maitreya         153. Pillar base with            159. Stele with Buddhist            167. Torso of a guardian king   176. Head of Avalokitesvara
Dated to 471                     mountains, dragons, and                                              Tang dynasty (618-907)          Tang dynasty (618-907)
Northern Wei dynasty             figures                          trinity                                                             Sandstone; h. 41 cm
(386-534)                        Northern Wei dynasty                                                 Marble; h. 100 cm
                                 (386-534)                        Northern Zhou dynasty               Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an  Unearthed in 1954 at the
Sandstone; h. 86.9 x w. 55 cm                                                                                                         Wanfo Temple site, Chengdu,
                                 Stone; h. 16.5 x w. 12 cm        (557-581)                           168. Torso of a vajrasattva     Sichuan Province
Unearthed in Xingping                                                                                 (a type of bodhisattva)         Sichuan Provincial Museum,
county, Shaanxi Province         Unearthed in 1966 from the       Marble; h. 40 X w. 28 x             Tang dynasty (618-907)          Chengdu
Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an   Sima JinJong tomb, Shijiazhai,
                                 Datong city, Shanxi Province     d. 8.5 cm                           Sandstone; h. 86 cm             177. Two arhats, one with
148. Sakyamuni on lion           Shanxi Provincial Museum,
throne                           Taiyuan                          Unearthed in 1975 at Caotan         Unearthed in 1954 at the        dragon, the other with tiger
Dated to 502                                                      in the northern suburb of           Wanfo Temple site, Chengdu,     Northern Song dynasty
Northern Wei dynasty             154. Stele with Sakyamuni        Xi'an, Shaanxi Province             Sichuan Province                (960-1127)
                                 and Maitreya                     Institute for the Protection of     Sichuan Provincial Museum,
(386-534)                        Dated to 532                     Cultural Relics, Xi'an              Chengdu                         Stone; (1) h. 38 cm
                                 Northern Wei dynasty                                                                                 (2) h. 38 cm
Sandstone; h. 48.5 x w. 27.7 cm                                   160. Amitabha altar                 169. Heavenly King
Found in 1952                    (3S6-534)                        Dated to 584                        Tang dynasty (618-907)          Discovered in 1980 at the
Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an                                    Sui dynasty (581-618)                                               Boshan Temple site, Fu county,
                                 Sandstone; h. 90 x w. 46 x       Gilt bronze; h. 41 cm, 1. of altar  Gilt bronze; h. 65 cm           Shaanxi Province
149. Stele with Sakyamuni        d. 14 cm                         stand 24.3 cm, w. of altar stand
and bodhisattvas                 Institute for the Protection of                                      Unearthed in Baoji, Shaanxi     Shaanxi History Museum,
Northern Wei dynasty                                              24 cm                               Province
                                 Cultural Relics, Xi'an                                                                               Xi'an
{386-534)                                                         Unearthed in 1974 at Bali           Baoji Municipal Museum
                                 155. Stele: (obverse)            village, Xi'an, Shaanxi Province
Stone; h. 96 x w. 43.5 cm                                         Institute for the Protection of     170. Trail okyavijaya
                                 Sakyamuni and attendants;        Cultural Relics, Xi'an              (conqueror of greed, hatred,
Unearthed in 1974 in Qi          (reverse) Maitreya                                                   and delusion)
county, Henan Province           Western Wei dynasty              161. Stele with Sakyamuni
Henan Provincial Museum,                                          and attendants                      Tang dynasty (618-907)
Zhengzhou                        (535-557)                        Northern Qi dynasty                 Marble; h. 71 x w. 42 cm
                                                                  (550-577)                           Unearthed in 1959 at the
150. Stele with Sakyamuni        Sandstone; h. 48.2 x w. 21.5 x   Sandstone with polychrome;          Anguo Temple site, Xi'an,
and attendants                   cmd. 12. 1
Dated to 523                                                      h. 46 x w. 27 cm                    Shaanxi Province
Liang dynasty (502-557)          Institute for the Protection of
Sandstone; h. 35.8 x w. 30.3 x   Cultural Relics, Xi'an           Unearthed in 1954 at the            Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an
                                                                  Huata Temple site, Taiyuan,
d. 20 cm                         156. Sakyamuni                   Shanxi Province                     171. Ratnasambhava
                                 Dated to 540                                                         Tang dynasty (618—907)
Unearthed in 1954 at the         Eastern Wei dynasty              Shanxi Provincial Museum            Marble with traces of gold;
Wanfo Temple site, Chengdu,
Sichuan Province                 (534-550)                        162. Seated Buddha                  h. 67.5 cm
Sichuan Provincial Museum,                                        Sui dynasty (581—618)
Chengdu                          Sandstone; h. 35 cm              Marble with pigments;               Unearthed in 1959 at the
                                                                                                      Anguo Temple site, Xi'an,
151. Stele: (obverse)            Unearthed in 1954 at the         w cmh. 100.7 x - 74-7               Shaanxi Province
bodhisattvas; (reverse) lower    Huata Temple site, Taiyuan,                                          Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an
tier, figures, animals, and      Shanxi Province                  Palace Museum, Beijing
buildings in mountainous         Shanxi Provincial Museum,                                            172. Manjusri
landscape; middle panel,         Taiyuan                          163. Head of a bodhisattva          Tang dynasty (618-907)
lotus pond; upper tier,                                           Tang dynasty (618-907)
                                 157. Stele with enthroned        Sandstone; h. 36 cm                 Marble; h. 75 cm
Buddha preaching to monks        Buddhas and attendant
in garden setting                bodhisattvas and monks           Unearthed in 1954 at the            Unearthed in 1959 at the
Liang dynasty (502-557)          Dated to 559                     Wanfo Temple site, Chengdu,         Anguo Temple site, Xi'an,
Sandstone; h. 121 x w. 60 x      Northern Qi dynasty              Sichuan Province                    Shaanxi Province
d. 24.5 cm                       (550-577)                        Sichuan Provincial Museum,          Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an
Unearthed in 1954 at the                                          Chengdu
Wanfo Temple site, Chengdu,      Limestone; h. no x w. 58.5 x                                         173. Head of a bodhisattva
                                 d. 10 cm                         164. Head of Eleven-Headed          Tang dynasty (618-907)
Sichuan Province                                                                                      Sandstone; h. 30 x w. 19 cm
                                 Unearthed in 1963 in             Avalo kitesvara
Sichuan Provincial Museum,       Xiangcheng county, Henan         Tang dynasty (618-907)              Unearthed in 1957 at
Chengdu                          Province                                                             Nannieshui village, Qin
                                 Henan Provincial Museum,         Marble; h. 25.5 cm                  county, Shanxi Province
                                 Zhengzhou                                                            Shanxi Provincial Museum,
                                                                  Unearthed in 1983 in the            Taiyuan
152. Engraved panel with         158. Stele: (obverse)            western suburb ot Xi'an,
Buddha beneath canopy                                             Shaanxi Province                    174. Standing bodhisattva
Dated to 524                     Sakyamuni and attendants;        Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an      Tang dynasty (618-907)
Northern Wei dynasty             (reverse) myriad Buddhas
                                 Dated to 565                     165. Torso of a bodhisattva         Sandstone with gold; h. 60 cm
(386-534)                        Northern Zhou dynasty            Tang dynasty (618—907)
                                                                                                      Unearthed in 1954 at the
Stone; h. 39.5 x 1. 144 x        (557-5Si)                        Marble; h. no x w. 35 cm            Huata Temple site, Taiyuan,
w. 14 cm                                                                                              Shanxi Province
Unearthed in the late 19th       Stone; h. 259 x w. 73.4 x        Unearthed in 1959 in the            Shanxi Provincial Museum,
century in Luoyang,                                               precincts of the Darmnggong, a      Taiyuan
Henan Province                   d. 19.5 cm                       Tang dynasty imperial palace in
Henan Provincial Museum,                                          Xi'an, Shaanxi Province             175. Torso of a bodhisattva
Zhengzhou                        Unearthed in 1963 in Luoning     Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an      Tang dynasty (618-907)
                                 county, Henan Province
                                 Henan Provincial Museum,         166. Head of a bodhisattva          Sandstone; h. 112 cm
                                 Zhengzhou                        Tang dynasty (618-907)
                                                                  Marble with gold; h. 15.7 cm        Unearthed at the Guanghua
                                                                                                      Temple site, Baicheng village,
                                                                  Unearthed in 1959 at the            Taigu county, Shanxi Province
                                                                  Anguo Temple site, Xi'an,           Shanxi Provincial Museum,
                                                                  Shaanxi Province                    Taiyuan
                                                                  Forest of Steles Museum, Xi'an

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