Page 503 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 503

ii9- Candleholder in the         126. Dish in the shape of a       132. Tripod vessel in the            139. Covered jar with floral                                                        146. Vase with flower designs
                                  five-petaled blossom, base                                            designs in painted applied                                                           QlNG DYNASTY,YONGZHENG
shape of a man riding             inscribed with character guan     shape of an archaic                 openwork                                                                             MARK AND PERIOD (1723-1735)
                                                                                                        Yuan dynasty (1279— 1368)                                                            Porcelain with doitcai
a mythical beast                  {"official")                      bronze Han or zun vessel            Porcelain with underglaze                                                            ("clashing" or "matched color")
Western Jin dynasty (265-316)                                       Northern Song dynasty               cobalt blue and copper red                                                           decoration, Jingdezhen kilns;
Green-glazed stoneware            Tang dynasty (618-907)                                                painted and applied decoration,                                                      h. 26 cm, diam. of mouth
                                  White stoneware with              (960-1127)                          jingdezhen kilns;
(Celadon), Yue kilns; h. 27.7 cm  transparent glaze, Xing or Ding                                       h. 42.3 cm, diam. of mouth                                                           5.2 cm. diam. of foot n.S cm
Palace Museum, Beijing            kilns; h. 3.5 cm,                 Pale blue-green-glazed                                                                                                   Palace Museum, Beijing
                                  diam. of mouth 13.8 cm,                                                15.2 cm, diam. of foot 18.5 cm
 120. Basin with applied          diam. of foot 6.45 cm             Rustoneware,  kilns;
Buddha figure                     Unearthed in 1985 at                                                  Unearthed in 1964 from a Yuan
Western Jin dynasty (265-316)     Huoshaobi, Xi'an, Shaanxi         h. 12.9 cm, diam. of                dynasty hoard at Baoding,
Green-glazed stoneware                                                                                   Hebei Province
(Celadon), Yue kilns; h. 7.5 cm,  Province                          mouth 18 cm                         Palace Museum, Beijing
diam. of mouth 19.4 cm, diam.     Institute for the Protection of
                                  Cultural Relics, Xi'an            Palace Museum, Beijing               140. Covered jar with three
of foot 10 cm
National Museum of Chinese        127. Dish in the shape of a       133. Mallow-shaped bowl             lugs
                                  three-petaled blossom, base       Southern Song dynasty
History, Beijing                  inscribed with character guan                                         Ming dynasty, Yongle period
1 21. Jar with six lugs and       ("official")                      Crackled pale blue-                  (1403-1424)
incised bird and tree motifs                                        green—glazed stoneware,             Pale green-glazed porcelain,
Northern Qi dynasty               Tanc dynasty (618-907)                                                Jingdezhen kilns;
(550-577)                         White stoneware with              Hangzhou Guan ("official")
Green-glazed stoneware            transparent glaze, Xing or        kilns; h. 4.2 cm, diam. of mouth    h. 10.4 cm, diam. of mouth
(Celadon); h. 28.5 cm,            Ding kilns; h. 2.3 x w. 11.7 cm,  17.3 cm, diam. of                   9.9 cm, diam. of foot 14. 1 cm
                                  diam. of foot 5.9 cm              foot 9.9 cm                         Palace Museum, Beijing
max. diam. of mouth 18.5 cm       Unearthed in 1985 at              Palace Museum, Beijing
                                  Huoshaobi, Xi'an, Shaanxi                                              141. Flower-shaped brush
Unearthed in 1958 from the                                          134. Vase with dish-shaped          washer
tomb of Li Yun,                   Province                                                              Ming dynasty, Xuande mark
Puyang county, Henan              Institute for the Protection of   mouth and raised ribs               and period (1426-1435)
Province                          Cultural Relics, Xi'an            Southern Song dynasty               Copper red-glazed porcelain,
Henan Provincial Museum,                                                                                Jingdezhen kilns;
Zhengzhou                         128. Covered jar with four        (1127-1279)                         h. 3.8 cm, width of mouth
                                                                    Crackled pale blue-
122. Chicken-headed ewer          lugs                              green-glazed stoneware,             15.9 cm, diam. of foot 13 cm
with dragon handle                Five Dynasties (907-960)          Longquan kilns; h. 31 cm, diam.     Palace Museum, Beijing
Northern Qi dynasty               White stoneware with
(550-577)                                                           of mouth 10.4 cm,                   142. Moon flask with dragons
Green-glazed stoneware            transparent glaze, Xing or        diam. of foot 11. 3 cm              among lotus scrolls
(Celadon); h. 48.2 cm,            Ding kilns; h. 26.2 cm, diam. of  Palace Museum, Beijing              Ming dynasty, Yongle period
                                  mouth 10.4 cm,
max. diam. 32.5 cm                diam. of foot 9. 1 cm             135. Jar with incised floral        (1403-1424)
                                  Donated by Mr. Zhou Rui           designs                             Porcelain with underglaze
Unearthed in 1978 from the        Shanghai Museum                   Northern Song dynasty               cobalt blue decoration,
tomb of Lou Rui.Taiyuan,                                            (960-1127)                          Jingdezhen kilns; h. 44 cm,
Shanxi Province                   129. Bowl inscribed with          Bluish-glazed white stoneware
Shanxi Provincial Institute of                                                                          diam. of mouth 8 cm,
Archaeology, Taiyuan              characters yaug ding              (<jiHg/j(i/),Jingdezhen kilns;      diam. of foot 14.5 cm
                                  ("glorious Ding")                                                     Palace Museum, Beijing
123. Octagonal bottle             Five Dynasties (907-960)          h. 26.6 cm, diam. of mouth
Tank dynasty (618-907)            White stoneware with              5 cm, diam. of foot 8.5 cm           143. Jar with flowering plum,
Green-glazed stoneware            transparent glaze, Ding kilns;    Palace Museum, Beijing              bamboo, and pine
(Celadon), Yue kilns; h. 21.7                                                                           Minc dynasty', Yongle period
cm, diam. of mouth 2.3, diam.     h. 6.3 cm, diam. of mouth         136. Vase with carved peony         (1403-1424)
                                  19.9 cm, diam. of foot 7.5 cm                                         Porcelain with underglaze
of foot 7.8 cm                    Donated by Mr. Huang Zhaoxi       designs                             cobalt blue decoration,
                                  Shanghai Museum                                                       Jingdezhen kilns; h. 36 cm,
Palace Museum, Beijing                                              Northern Song dynasty               diam. ot mouth 6.7 cm,
                                  130. Bottle with carved and
124. Bowl                         combed peony designs              (960-1127)                          diam. of foot 13.9 cm
Tang dynasty (618-907)            Northern Song dynasty             Cizhou-type stoneware with          Palace Museum. Beijing
                                  (960-1127)                        white slip and transparent
Green-glazed stoneware            Green-glazed stoneware,           glaze; h. 34 cm, diam. of            144. Stem bowl with scenes
(Celadon), Yue kilns; h. 6.8 cm,  Yaozhou kilns; h. 19.9 cm,                                            of ladies in a garden
                                  diam. of mouth 6.9 cm, diam.      mouth 6 cm                          Ming dynasty, Xuande mark
diam. of mouth 22.4 cm                                                                                  and PERIOD (I426- [435
                                  of foot 7.8 cm                    Unearthed in 1959 inTangyin
Discovered in 19S7 in             Palace Museum, Beijing            county, Henan Province              Porcelain with underglaze
underground chamber of the                                          Henan Provincial Museum,            cobalt blue decoration,
Famcn Temple Pagoda, Fufeng       131. Bowl with incised ducks      Zhengzhou                           Jingdezhen kilns; h. 10.2 cm,
county, Shaanxi Province          and water weeds
                                  Northern Song dynasty              137. Pillow with painted           diam, of mouth 15.5 cm,
Shaanxi History Museum,
                                  (960-1127)                        design of a hawk chasing            diam. of fool 1
Xi'an                             White stoneware with              a rabbit among reeds
                                  transparent glaze and bronze      Jin dynasty (1115—1234)             Palace Museum, Beijing
125. Octagonal bottle             rim band. Ding kilns;
Tang dynasty (618-907)                                              Cizhou-type stoneware with           145. Vase with flower and
Green-glazed stoneware            h. 6.4 cm, diam. of mouth 23.5    white slip, black pigment,          bird designs
(Celadon), Yue kilns; h. 21. $    cm, diam. of foot 7.3 cm          and transparent glaze; h. 9.7 X ).  QlNG l'> NASTY, K INGXI p] RIl ID
cm, diam. of mouth 2.2 cm,        Shanghai Museum                                                       (l662-
                                                                    24.7 x w. 17 cm
diam. of foot 8 cm                                                  Henan Provincial Museum.                                                                                              I
                                                                    Zhengzhou                                         ;
Discovered in 19.K7 in
underground chamber of the                                          138. Vase with two leopards          1 iin \\ it li wucai ["five
Famen Temple Pagoda, Fufeng                                         incised on a ring-matted            1 olor") dc( oration,
county, Shaanxi Province                                            ground
                                                                                                        Jingdezhen kilns; h 40.4 cm,
Famen Temple Museum,                                                NoRTHi rn Song m NAsn               diam. of mouth 11.2 cm,

Shaanxi Province                                                    (960-1127)                          diam ol fool 14." cm
                                                                    Stoneware with white slip and                 Museum, Bei|ing
                                                                    transparent glaze,
                                                                    Dengfeng kilns; h. \~. 1 cm,

                                                                    diam. of mouth 7- 1 cm,
                                                                    cmdiam. oi foot '*.<>
                                                                    Palace Museum, Beijing

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