Page 502 - China, 5000 years : innovation and transformation in the arts
P. 502

GRAVE GOODS                                                                                                                              CERAMICS

88. General                           95. Standing figure             102. Tower                       109. Civil official               113. Bowl with stylized floral
QlN DYNASTY {221-207 BCE)                                             Han dynasty (206 bce-
                                      Western Han dynasty             220 ce)                          Tang dynasty (618-907)            or leaf designs
Terra-cotta; h. 196 cm                                                Earthenware; h. 147 cm           Earthenware with sancai           Neolithic period, Yangshao
                                      (206 bce-8 ce)                  Unearthed in 1952 at             ("three-color") glaze; h. 107 cm  culture, mlaodigou type
Unearthed in 1977 from the                                            Jiuniizhong, Huaiyang county,    Unearthed at Guanlin,             (4th millennium bce)
Qin Shihuangdi tomb,                  Painted wood; h. 47 cm          Henan Province                   Luoyang, Henan Province
pit No. 1, Lintong county,                                            Henan Provincial Museum,         Luoyang Municipal Museum          Red earthenware with black
Shaanxi Province                      Unearthed in 1972 from          Zhengzhou
                                      Mawangdui tomb No. 1,                                            no. Tomb guardian                 pigment;
Museum of Terra-cotta                 Changsha, Hunan Province        103. Tomb tile with scenes of
Warriors and Horses of Qin            Hunan Provincial Museum,                                         Tang dynasty (618-907)            h. 23 cm, max. diam. 36 cm
Shihuangdi, XT an                     Changsha                        hunting and harvesting           Earthenware with sancai
                                                                                                                                         Unearthed in 1979 in Fangshan
89. Military officer                  96. Standing performer with     Eastern Han dynasty              ("three-color") glaze;            county, Shanxi Province
                                      a drum                                                                                             Shanxi Provincial Institute of
Qin dynasty (221-207 bce)                                             (25-220)                         h. 103.5 cm                       Archaeology, Taiyuan
Terra-cotta; h. 198 cm                Eastern Han dynasty
Unearthed in 1977 from the                                            Earthenware; 1. 44.5 x           Unearthed in 1981 from the        114. Basin with human head
Qin Shihuangdi tomb,                  {25-220)                        w. 39.6 X d. 6.5 cm                                                and fish designs
pit No. 1, Lintong county,            Earthenware with pigment;       Unearthed in 1972 at Anren       tomb of An Pu at Longmen,         Neolithic period, Yangshao
                                                                      village, Dayi county,            Luoyang, Henan Province           culture, Banpo type
Shaanxi Province                      h. 66.5 cm                      Sichuan Province                 Luoyang Cultural Relics Work
                                                                      Sichuan Provincial Museum,       Team, Henan Province              (late 6th-5th millennium bce)
Museum ofTerra-cotta                  Unearthed in 1963 in Pi         Chengdu
Warriors and Horses of Qin            county, Sichuan Province                                         in. Heavenly king                 Red earthenware with black
                                      Sichuan Provincial Museum,      104. Tomb tile with carriage     Tang dynasty {618-907)
Shihuangdi, Xi'an                     Chengdu                                                          Earthenware with sancai           pigment; h. 15.5 cm,
                                                                      and horses
90. Military officer                  97. Squatting performer with                                     cm("three-color") glaze; h. 113   diam. of mouth 39.5 cm
                                      a drum                          Eastern Han dynasty                                                Unearthed in 1955 at Banpo
Qin  dynasty  (221—207  BCE                                                                            Unearthed at Guanlin,
                                   )  Eastern Han dynasty             (25-320)                         Luoyang, Henan Province           village, near Xi'an,
                                                                      Earthenware; 1. 45 x w. 39.5 x                                     Shaanxi Province
Terra-cotta; h. 192 cm                (25-220)                                                         Luoyang Mumcipal Museum
                                      Earthenware with pigment;       d. 6.5 cm                                                          National Museum of Chinese
Unearthed in 1977 from the
Qin Shihuangdi tomb,                  h. 48 cm                        Unearthed in 1955 from                                             History, Beijing
                                                                      Qingbaixiang tomb No. 1,
pit No. 1, Lintong county,            Unearthed in 1982 from          Xintan county, Sichuan           112. Four brick reliefs with      115. Vessel in the shape of
                                      Majiashan tomb No. 23,          Province                                                           an owl
Shaanxi Province                      Sanhexiang, Xindu county,       Sichuan Provincial Museum,       figures                           Neolithic period, Yangshao
                                      Sichuan Province                Chengdu                                                            culture, Miaodigou type
Museum ofTerra-cotta                  Administrative Office for                                        Yuan dynasty {1279-1368)          (4th millennium bce)
                                      Cultural Relics, Xindu county,  105. Three aristocratic
Warriors and Horses of Qin            Sichuan Province                                                 Earthenware; (1) h. 35 x          Black earthenware; h. 35.8 cm
Shihuangdi, Xi'an                     98. Tomb guardian holding                                        cm1. 35.8 x w. 21  {2) h. 34 x    Unearthed in 1959 at Taiping
                                                                      Tang dynasty (618-907)
                                      an ax and a snake               Earthenware with pigment;        cm1. 29 x w. 22.5  (3) h. 34 x    village, Hua county,
                                                                      h. 73-83 cm
91. Soldier                           Eastern Han dynasty             Unearthed in 1985 at             cm1. 31 x w. 19.5  (4) h. 35 x    Shaanxi Province

Qin dynasty (221-207 bce)             (25-220)                        Hansenzhai, Xi'an, Shaanxi       cm1. 19.5 x w. 10                 National Museum of Chinese
Terra-cotta; h. 185 cm                                                Province
Unearthed in 1977 from the            Earthenware; h. 87.2 cm         Institute for the Protection of  Unearthed in 1973 at              History, Beijing
Qin Shihuangdi tomb,                                                  Cultural Relics, Xi'an
pit No. 1, Lintong county,            Unearthed in 1957 from the                                       Xifengfeng village, Jiaozuo,      116. Bottle in the shape of
                                      Huangshui Xiang'ai tomb,        106. Horse                       Henan Province                    a bird or dolphin
Shaanxi Province                      Shuangliu county, Sichuan       Tang dynasty (618-907)                                             Neolithic period, Liangzhu
                                      Province                        Earthenware with pigment;        Henan Provincial Museum,          culture
Museum ofTerra-cotta                  Sichuan Provincial Museum,      h. 87 x 1. 93 cm                                                   (ca. 3600-ca. 2000 bce)
Warriors and Horses of Qin            Chengdu                         Unearthed in Luoyang, Henan      Zhengzhou                         Gray earthenware; 1. 32.4 x
Shihuangdi, Xi'an                     99. Kneeling woman holding      Henan Provincial Museum,                                           cmw. 1 1. 7
92. Chariot horse                     a mirror                                                                                           Unearthed in i960 at Meiyan,
Qin dynasty (221-207 bce)                                             107. Camel                                                         Wujiang county,
                                      Eastern Han dynasty             Tang dynasty (618-907)                                             Jiangsu Province
Terra-cotta; h. 163 x 1. 200 cm
                                      (25-220)                        Earthenware with sancai                                            Nanjing Museum
Unearthed in 1977 from the            Earthenware with red            ("three-color") glaze;
Qin Shihuangdi tomb,                                                                                                                     117. Jar with incised animal
pit No. 1, Lintong county,            pigments; h. 61.4 cm            h. 81 x 1.68 cm                                                    mask designs
Shaanxi Province                                                                                                                         Shang period (ca. 1600-
                                      Unearthed in 1963 in Pi         Unearthed in 1973 at Guanlin,                                      ca. 1100 bce)
Museum ofTerra-cotta                  county, Sichuan Province        Luoyang, Henan Province                                            White earthenware; h. 22.1 cm,
Warriors and Horses of Qin            Sichuan Provincial Museum,      Luoyang Cultural Relics Work                                       diam. of mouth 9.1 cm, diam.
                                      Chengdu                         Team, Henan Province
Shihuangdi, Xi'an                                                                                                                        of foot 8.9 cm
                                      100. Model of tower and         108. Set of twelve calendrical                                     Unearthed at Anyang, Henan
93. Chimera (bixie)                   pond with animals               animals
Eastern Han dynasty                   Eastern Han dynasty             Tang dynasty (618-907)                                             Province
                                                                      Earthenware with pigment;
(25-220)                              (25-220)                                                                                           Palace Museum, Beijing
Stone; h. 114 x 1. 175 x              Glazed earthenware; h. 45 cm,   h. 38.5—41.5 cm
                                                                                                                                         1 1 8. Jar (zun) with mat
w. 45 cm                              diam. of basin 55 cm            Unearthed in 1955 in the
                                                                      suburbs of Xi'an,                                                  impressions
Unearthed in Yichuan county,          Unearthed in 1964 in Xichuan    Shaanxi Province                                                   Shang period (ca. 1600-
Henan Province                        county, Henan Province          Shaanxi History Museum,                                            ca. 1100 bce)
                                      Henan Provincial Museum,        Xi'an                                                              Ash-glazed stoneware
Guanlin Museum of Stone               Zhengzhou                                                                                          (protoporcelain); h. 27 cm,

Sculpture, Luoyang                    101. Recumbent dog                                                                                 diam. of mouth 27 cm
                                      Eastern Han dynasty
94. Five kneeling musicians                                                                                                              Unearthed in 1965 at
                                      (25-220)                                                                                           Zhengzhou, Henan Province
Western Han dynasty                   Glazed earthenware; h. 47 x                                                                        Zhengzhou Municipal

(206 bce-8 ce)                        1. 44 x w. 20 cm                                                                                   Museum
                                      Unearthed at Nanyang, Henan
Painted wood; h. 32.5-38 cm
Unearthed in 1972 from
Mawangdui tomb No. 1,                 Nanyang Municipal Museum
Changsha, Hunan Province
Hunan Provincial Museum,

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