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           Neolithic Liangzhu culture or later               佛羅倫斯 (1920-2018) 及赫伯特·歐雲 (1917-2016) 伉儷(Florence
           Thickly carved and very slightly concave on the sides, an area on the   and Herbert Irving)贈,2015 年
           outer edge possibly reduced in antiquity, the stone with natural veins   大都會藝術博物館,2015 年迄今
           and inclusions, the surface softly polished, wood stand.
           3 1/8in (8cm) diam; 3 1/8in (8cm) high            Compare the very similar jade cylinder with smoothed chips on its
                                                             edges, from the collection of Sir Joseph Hotung and bequeathed to
           $2,000 - 3,000                                    the British Museum, illustrated by Rawson, Chinese Jade from the
                                                             Neolithic to the Qing, London, 1995, p. 147, no. 6:2, attributed to the
           新石器時期良渚文化 或更晚 青玉褐斑筒形器                             Neolithic period, Liangzhu culture and described as a bracelet.
           Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價  Compare also the jade cylinder of this type with a gentle concave
                                                             curve, sold by J.J. Lally & Co., Ancient Chinese Jade, 2018, no. 37,
           Provenance:                                       noted by the author a similar example discovered in 1977 from the
           Gift of Florence (1920-2018) and Herbert (1917-2016) Irving, 2015  Liangzhu sites at Zhanglingshan, Jiangsu, illustrated in Compendium of
           The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015-present      Chinese Jades, vol. 1, Shijiazhuang, 1992, p. 180, no. 260.

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