Page 266 - Bonhams Passkon and Philanthropy MET Mjuseum March 2024 Asia Week
P. 266
186 ¤
Warring States period
The belt hook finely inlaid with mirror geometric patterns on the body,
the serpent’s head with raised horns behind gold-inlaid eyes, the
underside finely inlaid with two phoenixes and cast with a mushroom
knob for attachment; the small belt hook similarly decorated, the
serpent head with horns and long neck, the underside cast with a
mushroom-shaped knob inlaid with scrolls and circles, accompanied
by a ring inlaid with closely related design. (3)
Belt hook: 3 7/8in (9.8cm) long; Smaller belt hook: 2 1/2in (6.3cm) long;
Ring: 1 3/4in (4.5cm) diam
$2,500 - 3,500
戰國 鑲金銀銅帶飾三件
Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價
Spink & Son Ltd., London, 21 February 1990 (small belt hook and ring)
Collection of Florence (1920-2018) and Herbert (1917-2016) Irving, no.
3873 (belt hook) and 2907 (small belt hook and ring)
Gift of Florence and Herbert Irving, 2015
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015-present
倫敦 Spink & Son Ltd. 古董行,1990 年 2 月 21 日 (小帶鉤及環)
佛羅倫斯 (1920-2018) 及赫伯特·歐雲 (1917-2016) 伉儷(Florence
and Herbert Irving)舊藏,藏品編號 3873 (帶鉤)、2907 (小帶鉤及環)
歐雲伉儷贈,2015 年
大都會藝術博物館,2015 年迄今
Compare with a related garment-hook, inlaid with gold and silver,
186 Eastern Zhou, 4th-3rd century BC, illustrated by J.Rawson and
E.Bunker, Ancient Chinese and Ordos Bronzes, Hong Kong, 1990,
p.216, no.135.
187 ¤
Jade bird: style of Hongshan culture
Jade finial: style of Warring States
Jade cylindrical bead: Eastern Zhou/Han Dynasty
The stylized bird in frontal view with large round eyes and pointed
beak, the body flanked by wings and carved with two half-circles to
indicate feet, the back perforated with a channel for attachment, the
stone softly polished and stained black in areas; the finial finely incised
with scrolling vines, the underside flat, the olive-green stone softly
polished; the cylindrical bead perforated at the center, the dark green
stone softly polished inside and out. (3)
Bird: 1 7/8in (4.8cm) wide; Finial: 7/8in (2.2cm) diam;
Bead: 1in (2.5cm) long
$2,500 - 4,000
玉飾三件 仿紅山 玉鳥 仿戰國 玉頂飾 東周/漢 玉勒子
Please note this Lot is to be sold at No Reserve. 本拍品不設底價
Susan Chen & Company, Hong Kong, 8 October 1992 (bird)
Collection of Florence (1920-2018) and Herbert (1917-2016) Irving, no.
99 (bird)
Gift of Florence and Herbert Irving, 2015
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2015-present
香港 Susan Chen & Company 古董行,1992 年 10 月 8 日 (玉鳥)
佛羅倫斯 (1920-2018) 及赫伯特·歐雲 (1917-2016) 伉儷(Florence
and Herbert Irving)舊藏,藏品編號 99 (玉鳥)
歐雲伉儷贈,2015 年
187 大都會藝術博物館,2015 年迄今