Page 258 - Christie's Fine Chiense Works of Art November 2018 London
P. 258

          QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795)
          The quatrefoil head of the sceptre is carved in shallow relief
          with prunus fowers growing from a gnarled branch and a
          further fower growing from rocks. The oval mid-section
          and the foliate tip of the sceptre are both carved with a
          medallion enclosing a fower growing from rocks. The stone
          is of a pale tone with some faux-russet highlights.
          15¬ in. (39.7 cm.) long
          £50,000-80,000            $66,000-100,000
          The term ruyi is a homonym for ‘as you wish’, and these
          ceremonial sceptres have become synonymous with power
          and prestige, featured in imagery associated with deities,
          immortals, and nobility. Hence, ruyi sceptres crafted from
          precious materials such as jades and prized woods were
          given as gifts to the Qing court.
          清乾隆  白玉花卉紋如意                                                   (detail)

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